Chapter 38: The Truth Will Set You Free

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I used to enjoy going for a run because it gave me time to think. Now I hate going for a run because it gives me time to think. My brain just won't stop. Spencer, Spencer, Spencer, work, Spencer, Spencer, Spencer, ice cream. When will it stop? Eventually I have to move on, right? Wrong. So wrong. I'm perfectly happy being a narcissistic hermit.

I stride off the elevator, stopping at my front door and I look over to Spencer's. Wondering if he's home. If he's happy. If he's missing me as much as I miss him. Ya know, my daily routine. But today is different because today the door opens and I wait with bated breath. I'm finally going to see him. Only it's not him but a woman I don't recognize. My eyes narrow and I want to punch her. In the face. Then kick him in the balls. Is he going back to his old ways? She looks up to find me staring at her but I don't look away. She looks uncertain but she smiles timidly at me.


I squint at her as I take in her appearance. Brown hair, tall, pretty. But I don't know her so why does she know me?

"And you are?"

"Erika. Spencer's sister."


I hand Erika a glass of wine as I sit down across from her at my kitchen table.

"I'm glad I'm finally getting to meet the woman that has my brother tied up in knots."

"Wait. What? What does that mean?"

"It means he's going crazy over there," she tilts her head in the direction of Spencer's apartment.

"He is?!" I shouldn't sound so happy but fuck it.

"Look, I know Spencer can be a complete prick. Especially when it comes to women. But believe me when I say that he loves you. patient. Don't give up on him. I promise he's worth it."

I laugh a little at that. "You don't have to sell me on him. I know how great he is. But," I clear my throat, "did he tell you why he ended it? Because he sure as hell didn't tell me."

She nods as she takes a drink of her wine. "Your ex. He saw you with him and then he mentioned something about seeing him outside your apartment in the middle of the night..."

Fucking Christopher. The night he showed up completely hammered. Idiot.

"When you say he saw me with him...?"

"The night of that party you guys went to. Something about seeing the two of you together. He was holding you. Something like that. I don't know all the details. But he thought you wanted your ex back. I told him he was a moron for not coming to you first and just assuming the worst. You're not back with your ex, right?"

"Holy shit, no. Never. But I know what your brother is talking about. I was with Christopher that night but not how he's thinking. I told him that I was with Spencer. That I was happy. But, I was emotional and I made a mistake. I shouldn't have let him get to me. But nothing happened! Nothing. I would never in a million years do that to Spencer."

"I believe that." She starts to say more but hesitates. "I don't know you but the thing is, Spencer has never been in love before. Not even close. So, before even meeting you I knew you had to be special because I knew Spencer wouldn't give his heart easily. And you definitely have his heart."

I stew for a minute, taking everything in. Why wouldn't he just come to me? We've wasted so much time and now I'm over being sad. Now I'm just livid.

"I better head out," Erika states as she stands up. "Spencer is going to wonder where I went. And...let's keep this conversation between us. He'll be pissed if he thinks I'm meddling."



Monday morning, I sit in my office staring at my computer screen but not actually comprehending anything I'm reading. Brad just left after recounting his entire weekend but I didn't hear any of it. Shit. I need to stop this. Get back to my life. The past month has been the worst because I miss Catherine. But I'm going to keep missing her. That doesn't mean I have to be a shell of my former self.

I think back to what Erika said this past weekend. I am making it complicated by not just going to Cat and asking her, talking to her. But hell. I've never done this before. Relationships. Jealousy. Love. It's all new to me and I'm fucking it up royally.

I hear a knock on my door and the last person I want to see strolls in.

"Cindy asked me to bring you the Miller file." Christopher sets the manila folder on my desk but doesn't move to leave.

"Is there something else you needed?" Like a swift kick in the ass?

"How's Catherine?"

I freeze. "What do you mean?"

He exhales a long breath before continuing. "She was pretty pissed at me when I showed up at her apartment a couple weeks ago. Admittedly, I was drunk and it was a stupid idea. But, she made it clear that she'd moved on with you." He runs his hands through his hair and I see the tick in his jaw. "I don't fucking like it. But I screwed up with her. Don't do the same, Spencer. Don't fucking hurt her." The or else was left unsaid as he stalked out of my office.

I sat there, stunned. I was wrong. All of it was wrong and I had to fix it. I had to get the love of my life back.

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