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As time passes, i think of you.

Your smile. Your laugh. Your voice.

Things I miss. 

Your the only thing that occupies my mind.

My mind, a different world.

I'm afraid of this world.

I act as though I am strong;

I stand tall.

From the outside I look fine. Good. Happy.

Meanwhile, with every thought, and every memory;

I feel a piece of my heart break off. 

Everyone tells me to keep breathing;

But how can I breathe when the very thing that keeps me breathing is being crushed. 

I miss you. 

I want to see you. 


Only you.

Just you.

The one thing I want, i cant have.

I miss us. 

I miss the laughter. 

I miss the smiles. 

I miss the pleasure. 

I even miss the fights.

Because they made us stronger.

and I'm breaking again. 

Im sorry.

-Look for the bold letters, and see what it spells.-

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