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Just as fast as it started, it ended. 

Once thought to be forever, gone in a single minute.

Tears flowed from my eyes as the pain shocked my heart.

I never got to say goodbye.

Even though she isn't gone;

I could see her no longer.

A forbidden love;

Not as  glamorous as it seems in the story books I once read as an infant.

The stories I longed to be a character of,

Now known as pain and heartbreak glamorized for the entertainment of civilians. 

I cried every night.

'I miss you'

'I hope you're okay...'

'I'm sorry'

Thoughts of you are all to painful.

The color drained from the once happy, color filled existence.

Now known as a existence where I, myself only longed to be united with you again.

I did this to you.

And it's all my fault.

I'm sorry.

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