What I Believed

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I get up, go to the bathroom, shower, brush my teeth and get dressed just like every morning. But something about this morning feels different...I look in the mirror, I notice my new Toms, black skinny jeans, long blonde hair any other 16 year old girl would die for, big blue eyes, and my favorite shirt. I look like I do just about everyday so what's this feeling?

I grab a bagel and rush out to the garage and hop into my powder blue Mini Copper, start up my car and head out of my long driveway, I guess you can say my patents have money. It's dark just like every other morning, I turn on my radio only to hear Call Me Maybe, gag, I change the station almost instantly! I drive along not seeing many cars which was a little unusual but I thought nothing of it.

As I pull into the school parking lot I notice there are NO cars parked except for 2, one I don't recognize but I see them pulling out..weird and the 2nd one I believe is our school janitors car. I look at my clock...5:45, I'm 2 hours early!! I put my car in reverse and head back home. You may think this is unusual but for me it happens all the time, doing things and not realizing or thinking about it. I know it sounds crazy but I feel like I'm doing something my...twin may be doing. I know I know you think I'm crazy but everyone does, well anyone I've told which was only my 2 best friends, Soey and Lux. But I still believe it!

I pull into my drive way, park in the garage and walk into my house putting my keys on the counter as I walk into the kitchen only to find my mom and dad standing at the island with their coffee and robes, faces full of fear. "Where have you been??!" my mother says panic and anger fill her voice, "I-I was at school." I say afraid they won't believe me. I'm surprised they cared at all where I was. They didn't really take part in my life, all they really cared about were my grades and my older and younger siblings, I'm the middle child.

"Do you think we're going to believe that for a second?!!", my father shouts, I jump back at how his voice booms through the house, "You never believe a word I say!!!" I reply in annoyance! "What's all the commotion about?" my older brother David asks while rubbing his eyes, "Well

Sayde here thinks she can just leave whenever she wants and lie about it to our FACES!!!" my mom yells, "I'M NOT FUCKING LYING!! And since when do you give a crap where I am?" I ask daringly. "Sayde, tell me the truth, where were you?" David asks, there's something about him that makes me want to tell the truth, he's my favourite of all my siblings and he knows that! "David, I'm not lying! I was at school, my alarm clock went off 2 hours early and I thought it was time for school! They don't believe a WORD I say, David, you know I wouldn't lie to you!" I say almost in tears. David takes me into a hug and nods at my parents to go upstairs, pretty much his signal for I'll-talk-to-her-just-leave which he does all the time and it always works.

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I will update very soon

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