Chapter 6

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I wake up a little confused at first, not sure where I am until I see cute little Lux asleep on the floor. I pull my pillow out from under my head and throw it at him saying "wake up sleeping beauty", he groans and looks up at me still half asleep. "Come on we have to get ready or we'll be late!" I say climbing out of bed and grabbing my clothes so I can change. I walk out and into the bathroom, taking a whiff of bacon making my stomach growl. I ignore it and begin to get undressed so I can get in the shower. I hear a bang on the door making me jump, they yell "LUX HURRY UP!!" then remember Lux's twin brother, Axel. "Axel, this isn't Lux, it's Sayde and I just got in here!" I say back to him, he doesn't reply and I continue getting ready for school. I put on my black dress that I love ever so much and my red Vans and put my hair in a cute bun then do my normal make up and brush my teeth then leave only to see Lux asleep on the floor outside of the bathroom door! "Lux, babe, get up and get in the bathroom so you can get ready" I say as sweet as possible, he's not a morning person.

When he's ready we both head downstairs together and see his mom sitting at their bar eating breakfast and drinking coffee, "morning you two!" She said smiling a warm smile. We both grab a plate and some food and sit at the table. We finish breakfast then leave.

When we get in my car I realize I need gas! Like now! So I zoom down the highway until I reach the gas station. While pumping gas I see the exact same car I have pull up. I stare until I see the person get out, just a little curious to as they are, when I see Suttan. I try not to think much of it sense it's only a car but I still have a bad feeling about it!

We get to school and I park in my usual spot next to Soey's punch bug but she's not sitting in it. I hop out of my car while Lux follows. I look around the parking lot and spot Suttan's car and guess who was in there! SOEY! What the fuck-uh-tune-day?? I quicken my pace as I begin to walk over to where they are. "Soey, what are you doing?" I say, "Sayde?", she replays confused. "Yes..?" I say just as confused as her, we both look over at Suttan, "I-I thought you were Sayde....?" Soey said to Suttan, "no I'm Sayde" I say still looking at Suttan confused. I grab Soey's hand and we both begin to walk away back to my car, Lux follows like a lost dog.

"Soey, what were you two talking about? I'm so confused! Did she say she was me??" I ask her, "yes she said she was you! And we were just talking about your track meet Friday" she replies, "anything else??" I ask, "not that I can think of" she replies in a not-so-sure voice.

*2 Hours Later*

I raise my hand, the teacher calls on me, "Mrs.Hall, can I use the restroom??" I ask squirming just to add effect, "sure but you have 5 minutes!" She says. I hop up and grab the bathroom pass. I didn't actually have to use the bathroom but I need to wake up a little! That class is terribly boring!

I walk in the bathroom only to find Suttan in there on her phone as usual! I walk into my stall and use the bathroom, when I'm done I walk out but hear her say my name so I turn around and walk back until I hear her talking on the phone so I decide to eavesdrop. "Yeah she finally left, I think she was taking a shit or something" ..silence.... "Okay I can do that! Did I tell you how much I love this transformation? I don't even look like my old self!" ........ "Okay how does this sound 'hey Lux what's up babe?' then kiss him when I see her?" ...... "Yeah sounds to planned! I'll think of something when I see him" ..... "Okay bye". I'm guessing she hung up and I hear her begin to walk towards the bathroom exit so I run into the only place I could! The boys bathroom and let me tell you, it's very awkward to run in on a boy who likes you peeing!!! "Sorry" I say and check to make sure the coast is clear then run to try to find Lux before she does! It's class change so I just run to his next period. By the time I get there she's already rubbing her slimy hands down his arm and she takes his hand before getting on get tiptoes and kissing him smack on the lips!! Whore! I run straight towards her, "hey ho what do you think your doing macking on my man??" I say looking her dead in the eyes, she smiles a devious smile, Lux looks at me more confused than ever! "Babe?" He says looking at me, "yeah I'm Sayde, not her!!" he jerks his hand out of her grasp and stands next to me taking both of my hands so I don't hit the little ho but I manage to slip on hand out of his grasp and by the time he notices she's already on the ground crying like the little twat she is! "You broke my nose!!" she screams, "you mean the one daddy paid for??" I say smiling as I hear everyone 'ooww'-ing, there was already a crowd around us. She tries to stand up but I push her back down, she huffs. I begin to keep ranting about what a 2 faced whore she is but I feel someone's hand jerk me around. I stand face to face with my principal, "my office, now!" how cliché? Could've used a more original line.

I get to his office and he asks me all these questions then tells me I have ASD {after school detention} for the next 3 weeks (which means no track meet Friday!!!!) and I got written up! And guess what this girl got?? Nothing!! Absolutely nothing Are you kidding me???

It's already the end of the day so I find Lux and tell him he's going to have to ride the bus home or have SOEY take him home cos of the after school detention. Then get all my crap out of Mrs.Hall's class were she gives me another 3 days to add onto my already 3 weeks of ASD, but I don't argue I just take it and head to ASD with Suttan! YAY!!!:/

|||sorry, long time no update! I've just been really busy! I hope you liked this chapter though!! Will be updating soon though

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