Chapter 3

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"Okay class I'd like you to meet Suttan." she waves at all of us, her face all red "Suttan, there's a free seat right beside-' oh my gawsh me! 'Sayde, if you'll just sit there for now". She sits beside me and waves. She looks away and I just can't help but stair at her (not in a creepy way of course) but I'm snapped back into reality when I get hit in the face with a piece of paper, "fuck was that for?" I say out loud. "Sayde, language please" says Mr.R, "sorry" I reply. Then look over at Lux and give him a look then pick up the paper and read it:

Ƭℎɑɬs ωℎօ ɪ ωɑs ɬɑƖƙiɳg ɑƄօuɬ -ℒ

I look at her again then back at the paper and write that we don't look that much alike, lies, then pass it back to him. He shake his head at me and I shake mine back but with more attitude. I finish my work and head to my next class, also with Lux:).

When I get to my next class I realize I really have to pee, like REALLY have to pee. I raise my hand and ask to go, she says yes.

When I get in there I see Moniqa, Tosha and more of their "pop" friends. "Aaaawww look at short stuff, how's it going cutie?" Moniqa says pinching my cheek, I slap her hand away. Yes I'm very short (5'2) I get it but like really? "Don't touch me! I don't know where your nasty ass hands have been!" I talk-shout then walk into a stall. I hear them talking about Suttan. "She's so pretty! We should invite her to sit with us at lunch" Tosha says, I hear some of them 'yeah' but in their group you must have Moniqa's approval.

||||okay this is chapter 3 I don't know why but something happened and made chapter 3 a draft so now I'm going to post it (I don't know if it ever posted, I thought it had but sorry if you already read this) anyways vote, become a fan, and tell yo frandddds:)

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