California God

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He looks at you like you’re the sun in the sky

As if you’re the most interesting person he has ever seen

But the only thing you can do is smile, because you don’t even know what that looks means.

You sneak glances at each other throughout the day, wondering if you are imagining things

Because he just so damn beautiful, one can assume he must have had 1,ooo flings

One glance becomes two glances and three becomes four

His expression is so intriguing, how can you even ignore?

It’s like he is trying to figure you out

But why?

What is all this about?

Of course you are in doubt. Who wouldn’t be?

You look again, this time he looks away first & your confusion takes place.

“Did I get the wrong signals?”  You ask yourself.

He walks up to you, to only pass you, but he doesn’t forget to look

He has you opened like a book

Trapped in his eyes, you’re put in a trance.

You’ll be lucky if he even gives you a chance.

Little does your heart know that this is actually the end

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