004 Searching

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My soul's not tethered at my feet.

In fact, it is unbound.

It drifts ahead and lags behind.

It searches for something yet unfound.

I don't think I'll have the luck to greet

The place that I am bound.

Perhaps one day this will be what I find.

Or even what I've found.

Why can we, can I, never be satisfied?

Perhaps it is within us all or, perhaps, not at all.

Do we search for something that does not exist?

Our scurrying leading us to our fall.

I think; indeed, the Fates have lied.

For mankind was not made to crawl

But instead to push forward through the mist

That our own murky mind creates

To dull the cutting edge of reality.

Once again, I distrust the Fates.

The world now hears my broken plea.

I only ask for solitude

But they insist that I must start to change

To brighten my mood

To not be too strange.

They ask that I search for something dressed in chains.

Those chains will bear my soul to the frozen ground

And guide my direction like imposing reins

But with their approval, I will be crowned.

So, I must follow my soul, always roaming

Until, at last, I've found my home.

I don't want to be just coping.

But, for now, still, I roam.

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