Gibraltar: Sofia Diaz

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Name: Sofia Diaz
Country: Gibraltar (I know Gibraltar is not classed as a country, but for this, it is)
Gender: Female
Language: British English and Spanish, and is very good, and colourful with profanities.

Personality: Sofia Diaz holds grudges. She can be clueless but she is also quite smart. She is also very secretive at times depending on the situations and usually doesn't give out information that is not needed. At times she can also be mean and sadistic though this is usually when she's angry. annoyed or very protective about something. Sofia mostly speaks Spanish, though her country's official language is English. She can speak both but with a heavy Spanish accent, just to annoy people (England).

Sofia as a child ran around in her country happily but was under the rule of Spain which she didn't mind, as the Spaniards were really nice. However, in 1713 when her country was handed over to Britain, she changed, she still stayed close to Spain, but she never created a great relationship with England.
Sofia after England took charge of her country disappeared for a while, cutting communications with everyone before re-appearing, she only disappeared for a few small years. She was quiet after that, just running her country as she wouldn't really allow England to do anything for her country.
Sofia was always close to Spain because he looked after her when she was young and he also stayed closed to her. She was also close to Morocco, as he was also her next door neighbour country wise.
As crime started to increase around the world and in her country when the 21st century rolled in, she decided to take a stand, creating a group of people from around the world to help her fight it, along with opening bases of operations around the world for the organisation, all the while, hiding it from both Spain and England.
This group became known as Overwatch (not a big part of the story, this isn't an Overwatch fic, it will only be mentioned).
Sofias first language was Spanish, so she still speaks it and as such has a heavy Spanish accent. She also personally refuses to speak English around England, just to smite him.

Weapons of choice: Sabers for close quarters fighting. Hand guns for long distance.

((I'm not putting an appearance bit in here, as I have commissioned a friend to draw the OC and I will attach it once it is finished, until then all I will say is that, she has light tanned skin, dark hair, and shows some skin))

//Sorry I can't say more at the moment

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