Brother, Sister Relationship

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Usually when someone falls asleep before 6pm it warrants people to worry, especially those who are close to you.
So when Spain didn't heard from his sister, when she usually messages him to say goodnight, it sparked a worry in the larger and older nation.
The older nation as soon as his worry grasped him, he done the only logical thing he could think of, he caught the first plane out of America, all the way to Gibraltar, arriving early the next morning at the airport.

Spain wasted no time on catching a taxi from the airport, not bothering to use a private car and driving onto the country side, the distance he knew would hurt his wallet, and probable cost all the dinero all that he had in his pocket but at that moment in time the man didn't really seem to care. Eventually pulling up by a quaint little cottage on the country side, Spain got out the taxi, and went to the drivers side "what's the damage señor?" He asked the driver before wincing at the amount "130 dinero" Spain quickly gave him all the amount owned before going to the cottage and finding the door locked. In an even bigger worry and panic now, the brown haired man started to frantically knock on the door, yelling as he banging on it "Sofia! This isn't funny Hermana, come on open the door!"
This didn't stop for another 10 minutes before a tired looking dark haired girl opened the door, rubbing her eyes tiredly "Antonio? What are you doing here?" She asked sleeping before a squeak left her as he was engulfed in a large bear hug from her brother, a look of confusion on her face "what's wrong mi hermano?" She asked the boy, still unable to pull away and put of the hug.

The boy pulled her in a little tighter before finally releasing the girl "you scared me, when I didn't hear from you last night like I usually do, I panicked, you never forget to say good night, so I thought something happened" he told her softly as he started to inspect her for any signs of injuries.
He circled her, looking intensely, before grabbing an arm and holding it above the girls head just to be certain that she wasn't injured in any way, finally the boy relaxed, a small smile making a way onto his own tired face.

The girl laughed a little and scratched the back of her head before saying the most obvious reason she didn't message him like she usually did "jet lag, it's not fun" she stared at the boy this time before moving aside to let him into her house "you look tired" she told him as she made her way to the kitchen and flicking the kettle on to boil.
As if she was on auto pilot, she pulled out a mug, and made some instant coffee with two sugars, just like how Spain liked his coffee after a long night, strong and sweet.
After just a few minutes Sofia placed the mug down in front of her brother, a small smile on her face "I think this will help with your tiredness and possible hangover" she said, referring to the night out her brother was on just the night before.
The older man nodded his head and grabbed the coffee, sipping it and humming "did I ever tell you why I like my coffee like this?" He asked suddenly without looking at his sister "no" was the reply he received, just a small and quiet reply. He looked at the woman from her corner of his eye before smirking into the mug "this coffee reflect me" he said very cryptically before continuing to speak "it's strong and sweet just like me" he said casually and sipping his coffee. For a moment there was just silence in the Room before the girl started laughing loudly, soon a small chuckle followed from the Man.

"What is so funny?" He asked seemingly innocently, still chuckling as the girl held her stomach for laughing to heavily. He didn't get a reply for a few minutes before the girl calmed down a little "is that your new pick up line?" She asked him innocently before starting to laugh again, she couldn't stop himself and the look on Antonios face was hilarious.
The mans mouth was just opening and closing, no noice coming out, and his cheeks had a little pink tint of them of embarrassment, this just spired the girl laugh even harder at her brother.

One of the girls favourite past-times was teasing her brother, and it was always funny the expressions she could get out of him when he said stuff like this.
Soon the face of the man changed to a small pout on his face as he nudged her playfully, sitting down his cup on the coffee table. Stretching a little before suddenly lunging at the girl, dragging her onto the couch and tickling her.
Soon the room was once again filled with loud laughter "this is for teasing me!" Antonio said right before he also started laughing.
The girl just continued to laugh and squirm trying to get away from her brothers hands "noooo! Antonio stop!" She barely got out in between her laughing and giggled, slowly a shade of red made its away across her cheeks due to laughing so hard.

Antonio stopped after a few minutes before slumping back onto the couch, his breathing all shaky due to the laughing from a few moments ago as he tried to regain his breath. The girl was still laying down on the couch, her chest heaving for air as she started to calm down from laughing so heavily, after a few minutes she slowly sat up to be sitting next to Antonio, resting a head on his shoulder as he put an arm around her shoulder. They both just sat there calming down "I miss this" the girl said suddenly, not moving from her position "I miss you big brother" she said softly and with a small sigh, the boy made a small tired noise and said just above a whisper "I miss you too, mi hermana".

The two didn't move from the couch, both comfortable in each others presence like a normal brother and sister. They both fell back asleep.

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⏰ Last updated: May 26, 2019 ⏰

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