Burning time

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3rd Person P.O.V

A once blue sky, now turning red from the sun shining. Slowly a plane descents down into a small airport, the plane small and blank of any business logo. The landing was quick and after a few minutes of the loudness from the engines, things once again became silent. Slowly the door of the plane opened and emerged a girl, walking down the stairs of the plane. The girl smiled and waved at the people around her, before climbing into a small black car, after a few moments the car was on its way to its new destination. Around 30 minutes later the car, comes to a stop, in front of a small quaint cottage in what seemed to be a country side "Gracias" was heard as the girl handed the driver money before going inside the building.

Gibraltars P.O.V

After the whole thing at the meeting and my great escape, I decide to catch the first flight home from America, it sounds great that I'm going home buuut...the 13 hour flight and the change in time zones is horrible. Flying home from America at 10am America time, means I get home at 11pm...America time but with the 6 hours time difference means it's 5am at my home country....which means jet lag is going to be very horrible to me.
As it's 5:30am I yawn tiredly and stretch a little before taking off my work boots, putting them beside the door and slowly making my way to the kitchen, I put on the kettle to make a coffee, after all it's going to be a long...long...long day.
As I wait for the kettle to boil I look out the window and sigh "red sky in the morning, shepherds warning" I mumble and shake my head "today might get rougher then I thought" I sigh and pour the water into my mug, making amazing caffeinated bean juice. I pick it up with nothing in mind to really do, after all I finished all my practical work now is just the paperwork which...I'm not doing that. Turning the tv, I just blink at it, the only things that seem to be on are those stupid commercials where they try to sell you think and the gambling shows, just shows of pure boredom.
I sip my coffee as I continue to flick through the channels on the tv even though I know it's pointless as that's the only shows that are usually on at 5:30am if you use Freeview tv. Quickly I get bored and pull out my phone 'I wonder if Spain's still in America' I think as I begin to type out a text to him "¡Hola España! What you up too?" I send the text and start at my phone waiting.
Even though I call Spain a 'long term friend' he's more like a brother - un hermano. I don't even have to wait more then a minute before my phone vibrates, telling me I have a text, smirking I open the message "still in America mi hermana" (my sister) where did you disappear off too?" I laugh at him as with the message he also sent a picture, a Selfie, him, Germany, Italy, Romano, America, England, all of the great 8 out having a drink, the look on Spain's face looked like for once he regretted going out for a drink. I pull up the camera on my phone and with what people would describe as a 'shit eating grin' I posed with my coffee cup, sending that first before answering to him "Home, jealous much?" I teased him, I didn't get normal reply with words, instead all I got was a picture once again, but this time, instead of the happy smiley Spain I know, he was giving me a pout, laughing I put my phone away.

Eventually I look at the clock and groan, it's only been an hour, still too early to sleep, I rest my head in my hands, trying to think of an activity to do, until it's siesta time. Jumping up a smile, I run to put on my trainers before running out the door and down to the town, a large smile on my face. As I'm on my way to a new destination I quickly run into a near by cafe, getting myself a lovely iced cappuccino, to keep myself cool as the temperature is starting to rise. I pay the amount before looking around, knowing where I want to do to kill time.
I walk the few minutes to get to one of the most beautiful areas I know, the rock of Gibraltar is what the locals have cold it. Standing at the base I lightly touch it and smile, it's one of the pieces of land that has never changed, a quiet and nice place, my nickname - watch point - was given to me as when I was younger, and Spain was away, I would stand on that point and just watch the sea for the man I consider my brother, even though we are not truly related by blood.
Smiling I start the walk up the trail to get to the top of the rock, taking in the sights, just looking at all the greenery around me, eventually I got to the top of the rock after after the 4 hours of walking, a sat down and just looked out over the rock, looking out again at the beautiful sea below me.
By now it was its 10:35am and the sun is blaring down on me, sitting down for a while, I lose track of time again, sitting for an hour before starting the long walk back down the trail. This time it only took 3 hours to walk down the trail, as I was no longer sight seeing, a large smile on my face though I felt exhausted, sadly...it's still to early to sleep, it's only 2:35pm in the afternoon. I again go to a cafe and sit for a while, getting out of the heat, thinking about what else to do, as I sat and eat a sandwich with a nice cold drink.

After eating I get up and begin wandering the streets once again, thinking more of what else I can do to kill time, snapping my fingers as another idea crosses my mind, I start running again, running to the beach, smiling as I saw some of people playing beach ball "hey guys! Mind if I join in?" I ask as I run over to them. It was silent for a while before they smiled and nodded "sure!" They exclaimed, grinning and nodded to them "let's play then" and so it went, taking my shoes and socks off, we play beach ball until around 5pm, helping the guys pack up, I shake their hands "Gracias, thank you" I say before leaving to go home. 

It didn't take to long to get home, I didn't do much and skipped dinner, so tired to care about eating, taking my shoes off and changing was a chore. Crawling into bed, as soon as my head hit the pillow, I was dead to the voices of the living world. Sleeping peacefully all by 6pm that night.

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