World meeting: meeting Gibraltar

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3rd Person P.O.V

Nice blue sky's, clear of clouds, the sun shining brightly, shining down on a magnificent white building located in America, in the building a group of people, a large group of people, all squeezed into one conference room around a large oval shaped table. The people all looked different, almost none looked alike apart from two groups of people that could be mistaken for twins at times.
The once peace of the day disturbed by loud talking and even yelling by some people, at the noice, birds flocked and took to the skies.

Americas P.O.V

Another meeting is what I was greeted with today, we do big BIG meetings like this around three times a years where not only the 'great 8' countries, personally I would say great 7 because Arthur, anyway, in these meetings all the countries meet, large or small, we all sit down and talk and discuss things that are happening in out countries and we try to help each other with plans on how to stop or fix the problems we are dealing with, kinda like a large group therapy session!
It started normally, with the tallblond German started everything off, seriously never met a guy as serious as him, I don't think he knows what fun is! Anyway after several hours of quiet and surprisingly calm discussions, everything turned how it usually is in a meeting, not that I's more fun this way. The quietness turned into loud talking, not my's purely Englands fault! I don't really remember how it started, I think it had something to do with him having a jab at me and our politics even though his is just as bad.
"Shut up England, it's not my fault you have a troll in Downing Street" I said angrily standing up and slamming my hands on the table, after he made a remark about my ''mess' of a president, I mean... it's true, but I don't want him to think he's right! "Don't make me teach you a lesson you brat" he growled at me, as he also copes my actions "at least I don't have a toupee wearing Wotsit in office running my country!" (Wotsits are a UK snack, equivalent to American cheese puff cheetos). I close my eyes in anger, trying to calm myself just a little bit at that remark because not only is he once again correct, I actually agree with him on that statement "whatever dude, at least my president isn't a meme and hadn't embarrassed himself but walking onto a stage while dancing to dancing queen" I retort back, it annoyed him to be reminded of that and it also makes me laugh, it's a great video to watch when bored and equipped with the wonderful world of the Internet.
I could see Englands face get redder and redder with anger as he said that to him, his body shaking much more violently then before "at least my prime minister can say the names of people and countries correctly" he yelled at me, a twitch a little, wanting to jump on the caterpillar eyebrowed man.
I opened my mouth to retort to the English hippy, at least I'm sure he's a hippy, I think he takes something, that's the only reason I can think of why he things he sees flying green bunnies and thinks he can cast magic, I get interrupted but a second set of hands slamming on the table it shakes "enough!" A voice commended, I look away from the blond to find the full room silent and staring at us, but also a very...very....very...VERY angry German glaring at us "I...oops? Forgot there was a meeting" I admitted sheepishly before sitting down in my seat, I notice from the corner of my eye, that the English dick also sits down.

Germanys P.O.V

Why oh why couldn't a meeting go to plan just once! With no interruptions! No yelling! And no stupidity! "Anyway! Going back to what we were talking about before!" I easily call the meeting back to order, after all, no one else is serious enough to run this meeting "as agreed before, the people of both countries will work harder to persuade people away from choosing politicians that can damage their countries, instead of thinking its some joke...ja?" I call out, aiming that little bit towards the two previously feuding countries "and maybe then also, you'll want something to do with each other just a little" I grumble and shake my head before looking at the rest of the countries with a sigh, the rest having already talked. Most of the countries now looked bored and uninterested, Greece was asleep resting his head on the table, Spain was laughing as Romano cussed him and Italy out, who was hugging Romano tightly, Russia was smiling creepily at China, and Japan just looked blank and emotionless like usual.

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