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Another day. Another party.

Same old. Same old.

I mean, it was fun when we were freshmen and sophomores. But now, as seniors, it was getting old—real old.

God. If Ryan could just grow up.

He loved these scenes—thrived in it. And as his wingman and designated driver, I had to be here to keep him out of trouble. We grew up together, we were practically brothers. I couldn't get rid of him even if I wanted to.

"What's your name?" A blonde in front of me asked conversationally but I didn't care to answer. If she wanted to talk, she could talk to Ryan. He was right next to me talking to two other girls.

I took another sip of my beer and even it was starting to lose its taste—mirroring how I felt about this party scene. My eyes scanned the crowd to make sure I wasn't followed by a particular group of girls. We were taller than half of the people here so it was quite easy for me to spot them.

"Ryan." I nudged his arm to get his attention. "I see them. Let's go!"

He laughed. "Here comes the fun part."

I knew what part he was talking about and it was anything but fun.

"I wanna get outta here before it happens." Annoyed, I pushed my beer into the blonde's hand, grabbed Ryan's front jacket gesturing him to follow me. He was extremely entertained by my predicament.

Fucking bastard.

He won't find it funny if it had happened to him.

I had a crazy group of obsessive fans—or at least that was what they called themselves, fans. These were girls from my school. I honestly couldn't remember ever seeing them in any of my classes but somehow they knew me. They knew who I was and they knew the family I belonged to.

Last year, out of the blue, they showed up while I was walking to my car. They even had big posters with my name and face on them—it was a little disturbing. They were squealing and screaming so loud, all I could do was pretend to be nice so they could back off enough for me to get into my car.

After that, they had popped up to all the parties that I went to and even to the gym that I frequented. Seeing how I didn't give any of them the time of day, they had decided to play a game to get my attention. They had used many different tactics but the one they liked using the most was accidentally dumping their drink on me.

It was fucking annoying.

So naturally, whenever I saw them, I ran the other way.

When Ryan and I got close to the exit, someone bumped me from behind. My back immediately felt cold and wet.

Fuck. Not again!

"Oh my gosh! I am so so sorry!" A female voice tried to apologize—a line I had heard too many times before.

Fuck this shit. I've had it!

I decided I was going to do something about this once and for all. Without looking back, I grabbed the guilty party's wrist and roughly pulled her outside.

Amused, Ryan laughed. "Looks like we got another eager candidate."

"W-wait. Stop! W-what are you doing?" The actress pretended to play dumb.

"Taking you back to my place so we can fuck. Isn't that what you wanted?" I was beyond irritated at this point and my cold wet back only fueled my irritation. It was my fucking lucky jacket too. I always wore it to my favorite team's football games.

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