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(A/N: Dedicated to my boo sFire_bangtanmykinks ♥️
I don't know how to even repay what you did for me sooo
I love chu, and I'll be by your side~)♥️


"Mommy I want to buy ice cream" you told your mother, pulling her sleeves to get her attention.

"Y/n, you see uhm how do I put this together" your mother looked up ; debating, trying to think how she'll be able to tell her four year-old daughter she can't buy her ice cream because they didn't have extra money for it.

Before your mother could even open her mouth to speak, your father knelt down in-front of you, "You see buttercup, ice creams make your tummy roar because" your father trailed, leaning to your ear playfully while looking around, acting like it's top secret.

"Don't tell this to anyone, okay?" You nodded quickly and furiously, and it made your father grin, "they've put a monster ingredient"

You made little steps backwards, putting a hand over your stomach

What if papa didn't saysay it to me? Am I gonna be a monshter tow?

You're beginning tear up, you imagined how you would be like, what you would be when your parents didn't stop you.

You didn't want to be a monster, so you ignored your rumbling tummy and your desire to taste ice cream for the first time.

"Mommy? Why didn't you saysay it to me?" You asked, staring at your mother with pouted lips.

"I wanted your father to be the one to tell you" Your mother answered, forcing herself to smile at you, she couldn't bear seeing you like that, not being able to give you what you want because they didn't have enough money.

Oh, that's why....

But but, I wanted to taste one

Weally weally

It smells so good!

"Mommy? Daddy? When will I be able to eat ice cream?"

Your mother and your father looked at each other, silently having a conversation to decide who will tell you.

"Here cutie" A stranger spoke, cutting of what your parents have to say, handing you a chocolate ice cream.

You decided to look at the stranger, your eyes widened when you saw a beautiful girl

A/N: Lmao sooooo, I didn't update for, what? Three weeks? Oof sorry
Just got busy and stuff happened, forgive meeeeee
Anyways, I'll update tomorrow too~
Promise, sue me if I don't~
Plus this update isn't even like a real update, but don't worry you'll get to the cute part♥️

So, here comes my shameless promotion

Me and five others, created a collab acc which has
-Kpop Book Cafe
Which is a review book, so if you want your work to be reviewed, go check it Out!♥️

Which is a compilation of kpop imagines/oneshots/scenarios !!!
We also accept requests!
So you if you want a particular kpop artist in a scenario you want, request it! And we'll make it happen~♥️

Profile rates are gonna be published real soon!
And other exciting stuff that will sure help aspiring and authors with hidden jams! We'll try our very best uWu♥️

Here's the collab acc, go check it out if you have timeee


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