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"Here cutie" A stranger spoke, cutting of what your parents have to say, handing you a chocolate ice cream.

You decided to look at the stranger, your eyes widened when you saw a beautiful girl

She looks like one of the girls who walks slow on TV, what's thwat called again?


There you are, staring at the beautiful stranger with wide eyes, you hesitated whether you should take the ice cream or not.

You turned to look at your parents, silently asking them if you should or should not.

Your father spoke,"Thank you but, we can't take this"

The stranger smiled, "I insist, please take it, for her"

The stranger looked at you again, "Don't worry, you won't turn into a monster when you eat this"

She leaned in to you, "I beat up the vendor so he won't have to put the monster formula" she added then winked at you.

You put your hands over your mouth and giggled, the stranger melted at your actions.

Your father and mother was embarrassed, embarrassed because they couldn't spend a little amount of money to buy their daughter the ice cream she wanted.

When you turned to your mother, she nodded, giving you permission to take the ice cream.

You slowly took the ice cream out of the strangers' hand, she smiled at you.

You stared at the ice cream in your hands, observing how the sides our slowly melting, but before you could even lick at it, a boy with black hair and chubby cheeks came running into the beautiful strangers' arms, crying.

Why does he wook like a girl?

The boy was sobbing hard while the stranger, who you assumed was the boys' mother, knelt down and wrapped her arms around the boy.

"What happened Chim?" His mother asked.

They boy had his hands on his eyes, trying to stop the tears.

"T-they, t——the boys over there is mwean, they told m-me I l-look like a girl!" He sobbed, pulling his mothers' sleeves.

You tilt your head before speaking, "Maybe because they endvay you"

The boy stopped sobbing momentarily, slowly looking up at you.

His face was red, cheeks puffy, tears still flowing down his face.

"Endvay?" He asked, eyebrows knitted together in confusion.

"You don't know endvay?"

"It's uhm like uhm" You looked up, thinking how you would explain it.

But before you could even open your mouth, your mother spoke, " Did you mean envy?"

The three older chuckled softly at your words, they too were curious at what 'envay' could be.

"Yes I think so" you answered, they laughed softly.

"Anyways, endvay is when they wish they could have what you have" You added

"S-so they want my face?" The black haired boy widened his eyes after hearing your words, he imagined his face to be taken off, literally.

"Kinda, but that's your adaviantage" You answered, confidently.

The three older laughed again, letting your silly word go.

"What's my adaviantage?" The boy asked, they didn't realised he stopped crying, he also let his mothers' sleeves go.

"They can't take your face, because from now on, I'll be by your side! I'll protect you from those mweanies" You smiled and gave him a side hug, in which he returned with a tighter one.

"Thank chu" He whispered, letting you go but he decided to cling on your left arm, the ice cream on your right arm.

The boy leaned in, resting his head on your arm.

You smiled, in fact you found him cute.

"I'm Y/N! Your new friend!" You introduced yourself and winked, well you attempted to wink but you ended up blinking numerous times, which caused the black haired boy to let out high-pitched giggles.

"I'm Jimin!" The black haired boy, which now you know the name, said with a cheerful voice.

You tilted you head.

"Jemen?" You said, his name sound weried

{Note that some words are meant to be spelled like that, for the book~}


okay that was very extra but yehey!

Okok I'll stop, anyhoooooooooo~ I think I don't have writers' block anymore, but instead I have readers' block? Yanno the feeling when you don't want or have the ability to read?
Ugh, it sucks okay?

Go click that little star if you enjoyed reading this chappie, it's your adviantage~lmao


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 12, 2019 ⏰

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