Chapter 2~ As we go on

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In her early youth, everything appeared to be so much more insignificant and inconsequential. Any heart wrenching display of deeply imbedded emotions was lost on her. She didn't linger on the tiny details of her life, taking for granted the sheer intrigue of her circumstances. She stood-watching and waiting for understanding to come upon her as the world transformed of its own accord.

And thus, when England seated himself in his office one fine evening, America did not-could not-grasp the imperative nature of the situation upon them.

She had been playing with her wooden blocks, building a fort for the beautiful fairy princess that she hoped would reside within its sturdy walls. She placed her doll on the highest block, sitting her upright so that she could watch over the expanse of the royal property. Then, she heard a shuffle of movement behind her, and the unmistakable sound of England's shoes making contact with the doorway to her bedroom.

She turned toward him at once, a proud smile on her face as she flaunted her fort to the empire, cheeks pink and colored with animosity. "England, look what I did all by myself! Wanna be the knight that protects the fairy princess?"

Riddled with indecision, England allowed the ghost of a melancholy smile to wash over his features. America picked up on his sullen stance rather hastily, frowning upon noting that something was troubling the man.

"I'm afraid now is not a good time," England murmured pityingly, rubbing a hand over his face. "My dear, I'd like to have a word with you."

The child pouted at his tone, lowering her chin slightly in fear. "Am I in trouble?"

England shook his head reassuringly, finally stepping into the room to take hold of the young girl's hand. "No, it's nothing of the sort. Come along, and I'll explain."

America allowed herself to be guided into the old office, finding some pleasure in the warmth and coziness of the room as she was seated in the nearest leather chair. England stood before her, just in front of his mahogany desk in order to lean on it for support.

"What's wrong?" America prodded, growing impatient and frightened at the fact that her mentor had suddenly become so serious. He said that she wasn't in any trouble, but she was still not entirely convinced that he was not upset with her.

England took in a deep breath, closing his eyes momentarily before finding the energy to speak. "I know that we've spoken of this matter many times in the past, but I'd like to reinforce it once more just to be certain that you fully understand."

"You said that I wasn't in trouble!"

"You're not going to be scolded, but it's very important that you listen very carefully to what I'm about to say to you."

America sat up straight in her seat, arms outstretched on either armrest of the chair as she met her guardian's gaze.

"As you well know, we are not ordinary people, America. What are we?"

"We're nations," America replied jubilantly, resisting the urge to bounce in her seat. "You're England and I'm America. You're an empire and I'm your colony. You came all the way across the sea to find me, and now I'm part of you!"

England grimaced mildly at the less than eloquent explanation, but nodded his head nonetheless. "Precisely. Now, what is it about nations that makes them different from everyday people?"

The child in the large leather chair beamed with happiness, a triumphant grin on her face. "We're stronger!"

"What else?" England pressed imploringly.

America chewed on her bottom lip in thought, contemplative. "We...We don't grow as fast."

"Yes, that's the answer I was looking for," England praised softly. "Even though you seem to be growing rather rapidly for a colony, you won't grow nearly as quickly as the human children. We have and will continue to age very gradually. Now, when you're an adult, this won't be as much of a hindrance, but for now, it's important that we don't attract too much attention to this particular phenomenon."

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