Chapter 3

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Author's Note: I wasn't sure whether or not to change the rating to T for this story because of the short references to blood, but I'll leave it as is for now unless future chapters become more intense. K+ should still be enough for now. Regardless, please enjoy the chapter and feel free to leave a review! I always appreciate all of the feedback that I receive and it motivates me to speed up with the updates when I get a little discouraged and/or lazy. :D

"At long last, I believe it's time for you to take up more responsibility around here."

Biting the inside of her cheek to keep silent, America claimed a rickety chair at the kitchen table, sitting directly across from England. Nowadays, he need not utter a word for her to comprehend his unspoken instructions; a simple wary glance of displeasure was more than enough. Clearly, he had prepared a lecture, and she would have to brace herself for a series of critical statements and complaints.

And she would not speak unless told to do so, because in her heart, she vowed that she would be the civil one, refusing to stoop down to his level. As far as she was concerned, she did not have to explain herself. Why should she always be the one on the defensive? No, the time to protect her dignity had gone and expired the day she had allowed herself to be tied to this man's reins of control.

"It has come to my attention that you have neglected a number of duties that every young woman is expected to carry out," England announced, tending to a cup of tea absently in the process. "From now on, you are to see to the importance of maintaining this household."

No amount of pain from gnawing on the insides of her mouth could have suppressed her dark smile at that remark. With a feigned air of sweet pleasure, she folded her hands in her lap and nodded, taking a moment to tie her hair back and away from her face. When she noticed England's inquisitive expression, she took it as her cue to speak.

"Let's be blunt, England," she whispered slyly, straightening her posture. "You want me to cook and clean, yes?"


America smirked, though she could feel creases beginning to work their way into her forehead from frustration. "As I suspected... God forbid you were to approach me about managing the affairs of the colonies. No, I'm being assigned mindless tasks to keep me busy and out of trouble's way."

England flourished his usual frown and disapproving glare. They still hadn't completely mended the tears in their relationship after the fiasco in the man's office that had occurred a few short weeks ago, but America supposed that some things were better left unrepaired.

"Thank you for bringing me to our next issue; your atrocious behavior as of late. I suppose I must carry some of the blame, considering that I have seemingly failed to discipline you into a proper lady. Rest assured that this will change as well. In fact, I have planned to-"

A knock at the door interrupted them, and England immediately rose from his seat to address the visitor, only to be stopped by America upon arriving at the threshold.

Again, she flashed him a sickly sweet grin. "Allow me."

Leaving the flustered empire behind, America swung open the heavy mahogany door, charming as ever until her eyes fell upon the strange man dressed in an elaborate red uniform. Judging by the number of badges upon his crimson coat, he was a soldier of high-ranking authority. Nonetheless, he appeared anxious and breathless, clutching his side from a sudden cramp.

America's cheeky grin barely faltered, a faint blush cloaking its shadow over her face. "Good evening, sir. How may I be of service to you tonight?"

"I'm here to speak to Sir Kirkland."

"And you shan't speak to me first?"

A hand with an iron grip wrapped itself around her wrist, and she was roughly cast aside by England, who now blocked the doorway and kept her securely behind his back. "Good evening, Lieutenant Governor Thomas Hutchinson. What seems to be the matter?"

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