Part 33: Adopted?!

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Officer Lear asked everyone to gather up at the hospital so that they could hear the good news. He's most excited to tell Alex and Mariah. He's most scared to tell them also. He doesn't know how they're going to react. He hopes that they're excited and relieved but there's always a chance that they're not going to want it. There's also a chance that they'll be scared. They've been through a lot and it would be hard to put their trust into someone else and move into another home, especially after what Gina put them through. He hopes that they're on with it even though he knows it'll take some time for them to warm up. He'll give them as much space as they need.

Alex appreciates the fact that Lauren is trying to cheer him up. It's helping a little. All he wants to do is to get out of here with Mariah, Aaron, Malaya, Luke, Roni, Nessa , and Kian. He really wishes he could leave with Andrew too, but that's not possible. He thinks about Andrew every day. He really misses him. He's going to have the hardest time at his funeral that's coming up soon. Alex hopes Aaron is awake for that because he knows how painful it would be to miss that funeral. Aaron had the strongest bond with Andrew out of anyone. He raised him basically since he was a baby. Andrew was like a mini version of him. Andrew had a phase where he followed everything that Aaron did. Alex smiles when he remembers that stage. Andrew would follow Aaron. When Aaron would cook, Andrew would too. Like the time Aaron was cooking chicken noodle soup. Andrew insisted on making his own soup, so Aaron let him do it. He gave Andrew a little cutting board and a butter knife and Andrew did his thing. He watched as Aaron chopped up the celery, carrots, chicken, and onions. Andrew took his butter knife and chopped too. Aaron gave him a separate pot and Andrew copies everything that Aaron did but he added his own little flare. He served it beside Aaron's. Aaron made sure to hint at the fact that no matter how bad it taste, act like it's the best soup you've ever tasted. Alex remembers when he took a sip of the soup, he almost spit it out. It oddly tasted like fish water. Mariah held in a giggle when she saw his reaction. She pulled the old trick where she took the spoon on the opposite side of her face to make Andrew think she ate it. Aaron stomached it without even making a face.He remembers that Andrew was smiling from ear when everyone gave him positive feed back about the soup. His little dimples showing and glowing for the world to see. Even though that soup tasted horrible at the time, Alex wishes that Andrew was still here to make him a big bowl.

Aaron blinks he doesn't know where he is until he strains his eyes and sees an IV machine beside him. He lifts his hands and looks at them. He takes a deep breath and feels a sharp pain in his chest area. He winces in pain. He thinks about where it coming from. Then he remembers. He tries to get out of the bed and get to everyone but he's quickly pulled down by a tube that's attached to a mask on his face. This makes his heart rate go up, which triggers an alarm in the break room, so one of the nurses come to check up on him.

"Oh my- HES AWAKE!" She yells into her walkie-talkie. A bunch of nurses and doctors start to flood in his room but Greg stops them.

"I know that we're all eager to find all the information about this case, but we're talking about someone's life here. We know what happened the last time. We don't want a close call again so let's go in small groups and do only a couple test at a time." He says. A couple of people sigh but the head doctor stands beside Greg's statement and makes everyone else but Greg and a couple other nurses stay behind. They come in and take Aaron's pulse. They take off Aaron's mask that covers his nose and mouth and they put in one that only goes in his nostrils. He can talk just a little with that one in. It's very important that he has some sort of air source because breathing on his own is not an option right now. The doctors don't know if that's ever going to be an option. Before they continue to do anymore test or examine him anymore, they make sure he can can hear them and talk. They want to take it slow.

"Aaron can you hear us?" The head doctor asks. Aaron lightly shakes his head yes.

"That's good. Can you move any other parts of your body?" The other nurse asks. Aaron wiggles his fingers and moves his arms back and forth slightly.

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