Part 47: Graveyard Blues

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Lear feels that the time is right. Aaron's birthday had come and gone and it's time. He has to show him the graves. He's been dreading this day. It's no doubt in his mind that Aaron will have an ok reaction. He knows Aaron isn't going to lash out or anything but he doesn't know what his reaction is going to be. He doesn't know if Aaron's going to be mad that Lear told him or happy. He doesn't know if he's going to be sad or happy. It's just something that you can't predict. Lear knows it has to be done though. He can't hide it and Aaron can't live his whole life without knowing. That would make things even worse. That's how his whole life has been. Secrets on secrets on secrets. It must have been a hard life to live. Lear doesn't want him to go through that anymore. He just wants to end any suffering that he has and make the world so much better for him. He deserves that after all he's done. The way he reacted to not having anything for his birthday was so humble. It makes Lear very proud of the way he raised himself. He has no worries about Aaron or his siblings that he raised. He just hates that they had to come to him in this circumstance but he pushes that to the side and knocks on Aaron's door.

"Come in" Aaron says. Lear opens the door. Aaron's scribbling in a binder titled club plans. "Wassup" he says and turns his music down.

"Sorry to interrupt you"

"No problem" Aaron says and pops the p.

"I was wanting to take you somewhere"

"Ok. Do I need to change?" Aaron asks. He has on some adidas pants and a baggy hoodie. They match well and he could just slip on some sneakers.

"Nah you can go just like you are"

"Ok let me just finish writing this sentence and I'll be down and ready to go"

"Ok" Lear says. He feels bad that Aaron is so oblivious to what's going to happen. He never wants to break Aaron's good mood. It takes a lot to break Aaron's good mood. That's something Lear loves about him. He never breaks his good mood and helps other people stay in a good mood. Lear has only seen him out of character is when Andrew died and at the funeral. Hopefully he's not like that today.

"Alright I'm ready" Aaron says after tying up his sneakers. He sticks is phone in the pocket of his hoodie.

"Alright let's go" Lear says. He gets in his non cop car. When he uses that car there is less eyes on him. He wants this to be a private moment. He sure Aaron would want it to be too. They start driving and Aaron knows exactly what path they're taking.

"Are we going to see Andrew?, because if we are I'm not ready yet. I'm saving that for a special time." Aaron says. He doesn't want it to be any harsh feelings about it. He knows that Lear is just trying to help but it's not going to work.

"No we're going for something else" Lear reassures him. Aaron looks a little confused but he knows that Lear wouldn't put him in danger. They keep traveling up the road until he parks outside of the graveyard. Lear gets out first and Aaron follows him up the stone studded path that Aaron knows all to well. They stop earlier then Aaron is used to. It's about a couple of meters before you can get to Andrew's grave. Lear turns and steps off of the stone path. He walks for five steps and there it is. Aaron's taken back for a second then he gets his thoughts together.

"There it is. I've been looking for it for years. Sleepless nights over it and it's just there in plain sight." He says. Aaron stares at the two gravestones. Engraved with the names and dates of birth a death. He just stands there in silence. Lear puts his hand on his shoulder. It's almost like he burned a hole in the stones with his stares. As much as he wants to look away, he can't. "How did you find this?" He asks.

"I did some digging through my police records. If you don't want to be here it's fine. I completely understand if you're mad at me." Aaron cuts him off.

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