Part 49:Real Birthdays

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Over the past couple of months Aaron has already contacted people and got the house for the plan. They've used some money that they've had saved up and they get some renovations done. They made it better for the format of what they want to do. They expanded it and made the kitchen bigger. They turned most of the downstairs into a gym area and the part that's not the kitchen and gym is a lobby. The upstairs consist of a big sewing room and a big cosmetology room. The gym walls can be used as storage for chairs and tables. They can be covered up by the sliding mat things that go on the wall. Each room has everything that it. It's like a dream. It's so cool that they could do this and Roni and Aaron are constantly pinching themselves to wake up from this thing. They love it. They've gone through all rooms multiple times jut admiring them and adding things to them. Everything almost complete. They just have some legal stuff to finalize.

Roni wants to do something special for Aaron. He's helped her so much with her dream and she wants to make it up for him. She also still feels bad about the whole birthday thing. She's going to make up for that to. It starts early in the morning. 8:45 to be exact. She unlocks the door to Lear's house. Lear leaves in the morning at like six o'clock because of his job. She puts in the alarm code. She won't be waking anyone up because Aaron keeps headphones in while he's sleeping alone and the only thing that can wake him up is the alarm and you physically shaking him. Alex never wakes up. He just sleeps like a baby and there no waking him up no matter what you do. Roni slips into Aaron's room. She takes one of his headphones out and let's the cord dangle off of the edge of the bed. No music playing just silence. It helps him block out the world. She shakes him a little.

"Hmmmm" he mumbles. His voice groggier and sleepier then ever.

"Wake up" She says sweetly.

"Why?" He mumbles back. He pulls the covers back on.

"It's your birthday!"

"You're like five months late" he groans. His eyes still closed.

"Well we're celebrating it now" She says and shakes him again.

"As my birthday wish I want five more minutes of sleep"

"Fine, I'm holding you accountable to it though" She says. She gives him a kiss on the cheek and pulls the covers back over his head. She goes down stairs and makes his coffee blend and cuts up some fresh foods. He hates blackberries so she leaves them out of the fruit salad. She goes back upstairs to wake him up again.

"Aaron wake up" She says and starts peeling the covers off.

"Five more"

"Aaron, I've already gave you fifteen. I have a snack ready down stairs"

"Food can wait for five minutes" he complains

"I'm going to sit on you until you wake up" She says. She sits on his back since he's laying on his stomach.

"You're light" he says. Sitting on him clearly isn't helping. She just rubs her hand up his arm and he eventually wakes up.

"Ok I'm up" he says. He picks her up while still laying down and he flip her so that she laying on top of him. Her face is in his neck. "What's going on?" He asks

"I was just trying to do something special for you" she kisses his neck and says this in between kisses.

"Ok let's go then" he says. He rest his arms in her knee bend and on her back. He sits up and swoops her up in bridal position all in one motion. He carries her down stairs and sets her on the counter.

"You made my favorite morning snack" he says

"I would have made smoothies but I didn't want to wake you up" she says

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