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Whoever lived in this house before me definitely hated messiness.

Everything was in place and nothing seemed to be out of place. Not a single spec of dust was found on any surface. I kept wandering around, curiously looking at the scrolls that were in a completely different language that I didn't understand. Unfortunately, I didn't find a kitchen in the house, just shelves of scrolls and books.

Thankfully, there was a bathroom. A bathroom that I doubted even worked.

As soon as I entered the bedroom, I was a little surprised by how much stuff was there. Once again there was shelves across a wall. On the wall across from it was full of weapons on display. The middle wall had a blanket pressed against it with candles and torches laid on the outskirts of the blanket.

I turned to the other side of the room, there laid a king sized bed which had a bright red colored blanket with a black pillows to match with it. Axes stood as decor on the bedposts. I guess red and black was the color scheme of this house.

I wonder how the others' houses are like. I sat down on my new bed and suddenly the closet doors opened with a person in armor walking quickly up to me.

They suddenly grabbed my hand, "Oh my! Oh my! The son of Kanji has returned!" I immediately snatched my hand away from their grip. They bowed in front of me, "Excuse me sire, for touching your hand.."

I stammered, trying to think of something to say before abruptly, two other armored people walked in. The people from the front of the entrance!

When they both saw me, the duo knelt on one knee and bowed, in a usion they both said, "My lord."

I stood up on the bed, holding my hands up, "Woah, woah, first of all, I am nobody's 'lord.' Second of all, what and who are you?"

The one with golden armor stood up from their kneeling position, "Sorry sire, but you are the son of Kanji. That makes you our lord."

The one beside the golden one stood up as well, "We are the Dakke Brothers...and sister. We are the Souls of War. Loyal to Kanji and his brethen."

The one in front of me took off his helmet and I felt like I could squeal when I looked at his features.

(Gayyyy, sorry I just couldn't resist)

He had dazzling blue eyes and a splash of freckles across his face. He had fluffy brown hair that bounced when he moved. His childish grin greeted me, "I am Thoven, the Soul of Reason. I am the Soul that represents the reason why we go to war. Whether for love, fame, or hatred, I am the sole reason why people go to war for."

The golden armored knight took off his helmet....and oops, I assumed genders. It's actually a female. Her bright vibrant red hair now stood comfortably in a ponytail as she studied me for a second. Her cold blue eyes looked back at my face before a wry smile formed on her face.

"Lord, I am Neri, the Soul of Strategy. I represent the brains of trickery and cleverness used in watching. I also represent the stragies people use in war as well." She turned to the last knight in the not so shining armor.

"Your turn Donovan."

Donovan took off his helmet and smiled...well, I think he smiled because I couldn't tell by the many scars on his face. He had a bully face and cropped brown hair that was nearly to his scalp. Despite his fierce features, he had the same dazzling blue eyes as his brother Thoven.

"I am Donovan, the Soul of Strength. I represent the strength and brute force used in the battlefield." He nodded before suddenly adding, "Which is much more useful than brains."

Neri frowned at him, "Not this argument again... As I told you before, brains has helped people win more wars than brawns have."

"No it has not!" Donovan spat back before turning to Thoven, "Tell her that brawns is better than brains."

Thoven was about to say something before Neri interrupted, "Oh wow, the big guy needs some backup. Remember the story of Troy? The Greeks won only since they used their brains!"

So they began bickering between recalling accounts of wins to whether it was brains or brawns. I sat down next to Thoven.

"Do they always fight like this?"

Thoven looked over at me, "No... This is the first night since '67 they actually spent together "

"That long?"

"Yeah... it's strange since this morning, they both recalled a dream that a solution to our problems will be coming. Then you came."

"What kind of problems?"

"Well we have noticed some disturbances at the borders recently and then we noticed our powers have been failing lately."

"What kind of powers?" I kept getting more and more curious every time he said something.

"The brethen of Kanji can use us to exert powers in times of need. Donovan's power is giving off strength to the child of Kanji once they proved that they do need and deserve it. Then Neri gives off quick thinking and skills of the brain to be used in the battlefield when needed."

"Then, I, Thoven, give off motive. It'll make you last longer in a fight if something tips up your emotions so it'll double your motive."

I nodded. "That's sweet...but am I going to have to use that a lot?" Which I didn't want to use that often since I don't want to be fighting much of the time.

"Hopefully you won't be since once your power boost is over, you usually get extremely tired and might even, in extreme cases, slip into a coma." Thoven looked over at his siblings, whom were about to spar each other with weapons. He blinked and immediately got up, walking in the middle of them.

"Please, not in front of the kid.." he said softly as he gently removed the weapons from both of them. Silence fell over the room after Thoven threw the weapons in a corner.

"Right...we should explain to the boy how our power--" This time I was the one who interrupted Donovan, "I know already about it. And please don't call me 'boy', my name is Hearth."

"Hm, gets to the point, just like his father." Neri side commented. I ignored the comment, "How can I help this problem?"

"You need to go into the Moon Forest.. but as you know, you are forbidden from entering." Donovan fell silent. "Well, let's worry about problems tomorrow, you're probably tired kid. Go to sleep."

Now that I realized, I did feel some fatigue. Before I could protest, I collapsed.

Chapter 8 completed! 1143 words!

Now, updates may come in slower but I will try my hardest to update as much as I can my lovie dovies!


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