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“Doing this plan was going to feel like a spy movie,” Hearth pointed out when we were camped in the field. It was a corn field so I doubted many people would see through the high stalks of corn. Unless, of course they see the top of Saelvyre’s head. That problem was soon solved when she decided to lay down. I glanced at Breeze and she just sighed. “Let’s hope that it will end well.”

“They know we’re coming. They have people who are trained to fight. And they probably have some traps. There is also a pretty good chance that we will die. So yeah, it will end well.” I said with full sarcasm.

Breeze rolled her eyes at me and glanced at Hearth. “So, do you think you’ll be able to produce fire when we need to burn down the lock.”

He shrugged, “I guess. I don’t know, it takes me some time to really focus on it.”

“I suggest you start practicing.” Breeze said and Hearth began trying to make a flame burst in his hand. She glanced over at me, “Also, your scythe.”

“What about it?”

“You’re extremely slow with it, you need another weapon.” Before I could respond she took out her spear. I flinched. Whenever I saw that weapon it always seemed to me if I even touched it would be lethal. “Take Nalvdír.”

“You named it?” I asked with surprise but she just shoved Nalvdír into my hands. I took it, frowning. “What about you?”

“I have mostly mastered my powers so I think I got that covered.” She said, though her voice had a hint of apprehension.

“The Storm Angels have all the biggest companies all around the world?”

Saelvyre nodded, “Last I heard about them they got another company which makes it twenty-six companies. That was a year ago, they definitely would’ve grown much more.”

“What’s their plan? Getting all these companies..and chasing us across the map.” Breeze asked. Saelvyre looked hesitant but answered it.

“They are under the command of..The Devourer.”

“The Devourer? That sounds like a name from some cheap lego show.” Hearth spoke as a flame finally bursted in his hand. I quickly made a gesture for him to be quiet.

“I’m afraid if I say his true name then the Storm Angels will be able to locate us faster. Saying a powerful being’s name is never a good idea unless they’re on your side.”

“We’re already so close to the HQ, I think we don’t have to worry about the Storm Angels finding us. They know we’re going to the HQ.”

“Right,” Saelvyre nodded at me. “Montezuma.”

Breeze looked terror-stricken, “What!? Montezuma! That can’t be, Sierra, Alako, Kanji, and Anahita defeated their father..”

Saelvyre glanced at Hearth, “Remember how I said that the Great Four Spirits don’t have children most of the time? It’s because when they bear children it causes unintentional forces to stir.”

“You know, you’re really making me wish I was never born.” Hearth said slowly. Saelvyre sighed, “My apologies but it is the truth.”

“So, when we were born it caused Montezuma to wake..?” Breeze connected the dots but frowned. “That doesn’t make sense..”

“What is it?” I asked, rubbing my elbows simultaneously. A nervous habit I have whenever I have cold feet. Elbows and cold feet…how- Nevermind.

“From the few stories I read it took Montezuma a long time to finally awaken, yes this happened before in the past.”

“Really? Then can’t we copy the example that the past people did to vanquish Montezuma?” Hearth asked.

The Warriors Of Aeledge~A New WorldWhere stories live. Discover now