Chapter 1

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I do not own any of the teen wolf characters just my own. This story is set in season 4 of teen wolf.

Chapter 1

Pheniox P.OV.

I woke up to the sudden buzzing noise, I thought it was my alarm clock but it was my phone ringing, I looked over at the time on my alarm clock and sighed it said 6:45 a.m. I picked up my phone and anwered.
"Hello?' " Hey sis get up and around its your first day of school at Beacon Hills High. I would have woke you up to take you but I had to go to work." "That's ok but thanks for the wake up call I might have been late then i would never get there in time to get my schedule and locker number" I said. "Well dont forget you have Basketball tryouts today, since school started just a week ago you'll still be able to try out go #14 all the way" My brother said. I smiled and thought my brother is always making me smile with that personallty of his. "Ok Jordan I have to get off here and get ready I'll see you after school. I Love you!" " I Love you too sis! Have a great first day be careful on that bike of yours." After I hung up the phone I got out of my warm bed and headed into the bathroom and took a shower. After i got out of the shower I went into my walk in closet and chose my outfit which consisted of Vanity Jeggings, black short top boots, a teal sparkle tank top with my leather tan jacket. After i got my clothes on I went back into the bathroom and did my make up. I blow dryed my hair and then striaghten my hair after I wa sure I liked the way everything looked good on me especially my hair. It was blonde on top with red underneath with a red streak through my blonde bangs. I looked in the mirror one more time to make sure my red glowing eyes werent showing. I am of the supernatural, I know about most of them. My Alpha werewolf father made sure I knew of the other supernaturals of the world and of this town before him and my mother the pheniox let me come here to live with my brother. As I'm sure you have already guessed I'm half Pheniox and half werewolf, also known as a hybrid. I have red Pheniox wings on my back which just look like big angels wings that I'm able to fold and hide under my clothes and I can control and create fire with my hands. It's unknown if my brother is of the supernatural and he doesn't know about us either. After I check my eyes making sure they were their normal blue green colored I made it down stairs and grabbed a poptart, gatorade, and my basketball bag with all my basketball stuff and my school stuff in it and headed out the door to my suzuki blue and green motor bike outside. I hopped on and drove to the high school. When I got there I parked my bike by this green motorcross looking bike and pulled my helmet of, as I did a bunch of guys whistled at me, I just smiled as I got off my bike and headed toward the entrance to find the office. Once I got to the office there was a lady sitting at a desk typing away on her computer and being the mannerly girl I am I said "Excuse me Ma'am?" She looked up from her computer , smiled and said "How can I help you sweetie?" "My Name is Pheniox Parrish I'm new here I'm in 10th grade and I'm 16, it's my first day." " Oh ok here's your schedule and your locker number is #14 here's the combination to it also." she said as she handed me two peices of paper that held my locker number and schedule. I said "thank you". and started to walk torwards the hall when she stopped me by saying" are you by chance related to Deputiy Parrish?" I smiled and said "Yes he's my Big brother". "Awe that's great, well you better get going you dont want to be late for your first day of class." She said. I smiled and walked to my locker that I was lucky enough to get as My basketball number. I opened my locker and put my basketball bag in there but kept my school stuff with me along with my phone which was in my jean pocket. I pulled up my schedule and looked at my classes.

1st period- Math

2nd period-E-con

3rd period-History

4rth period-P.E. (until I try out for the basketball team then this period will be basketball)


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