Chapter 11

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Pheniox P.O.V.

I was begining to open my eyes when I heard a slam of what sounded like a door and then a "what the hell?" I then opened my eyes wide and saw my brother standing in the doorway with an anger expression. I pulled the covers around me cause I knew I was still naked and looked over and Liam was awake too. we both had the same deer struck with head lights look on our face."uh Jor dont freak out." I said nervously. "dont Jor me pheniox, this is extactly what it looks like, did you take my little sister's virginty?!" Jordan yelled. Oh this is not going to go over well. "Jordan relax he was a virgin too, and I wanted this I was ready Jordan." I tried to tell him but he wouldnt hear it. "No you shouldnt have done it your 16years old Pheniox you could have waited till you were 18 if he truely loved you he would have waited till then. Your grounded. and mom and and will be hearing about this." He said. "Jordan cmon you cant tell me that you waited till you were 18 to have sex did you?" I asked. "no I didnt and while it was great I could have waited and I just dont want you to get pregnant while your 16 and not ready." Jordan said. "Jordan i'm a werewolf and I cant get pregnant unless im in heat kind of like a period but no blood." I told him. He had a disgusted look on him and then he said "did y'all at least wear a condom?" He looked at Liam and Liam's faced paled and Jordan was about to get even more angery when I said "We didnt have to i'm not in heat and we cant get sexual transmitted diseases and we were both virgins so.." Jordan still just paled and looked angry. I was about to say something but Jordan beat me to it" Your grounded for however I say, I'll be taking your phone and vechicle keys, and you will go to school and then come back home, no friends no boyfriend, no Ethan." I paled then and yelled "Jordan no! you cant do that your not mom and your not dad! If i could trust anyone with something like this I figured I could trust you, but I guess that's not true is it?" I got up out of the bed eventhough I was naked and grabbed some clothes and went into the bathroom and slammed the door. I heard my brother sigh and walk out of the door. I was fixing to take a shower when I noticed blood down in between my legs. I gasped. "Pheniox are you okay? I uh noticed some blood on your legs, did I hurt you?" Liam asked concerned.

"yeah I think that's supposed to happend after girls lose there virginity." I said . I heard him back away and then I started the shower and got in washing all the blood off and washed my hair and rest of my body. I was sore down there but i'm sure it would go away by tmro. I rembered everything from this morning and I didnt regret it. I hope that Liam didnt regret it either. I got out and dried off and combed and blow dryed my hair and put some make up on. I wasnt going to let my brother control me I had already told Liam that was going to his first of the season Lacross game tonight and I still intended to go. I would just fly there. I put some curls in my hair and then walked out of the bathroom in my shorts and shirt I brought in there with me. when I came out Liam was wearing the clothes the clothes that he had on, which were my brothers clothes. "I love you and last night was amazing and I dont regret it at all." He said .I smiled and said "I love you and yes it was and I dont regret it either." I put on some skinny jeans and a brown tank top and a jean jacket and put on my brown short top boots. "I thought he said you were grounded?" "he did, but I'm not going to be grouned when I have wings and I told you I would be there tonight and i'm not breaking my promise.My brother will just have to get over it. You g on home and I'll meet you at the game tonight." I said He nodded and he hugged and kissed me and walked out the door. I went to my closet and got out my black back pack and put some undergarments in there, some sofie's and a tshirt and then I put some regular jeans and a fitted shirt and a sports bra in there, and my black nike running shox.. I also put my phone charger in there and my wallet. Just in case when I came home and Jordan was mad I could stay somewhere else. The game was at 7:00pm tonight I didnt have to wait long since Liam and I had slept throught most of the day I checked the time on my phone and it said 6:20pm. I put my backpack on my bag, put my phone in my pocket and gently and silently opened my bedroom window. Once I got on the roof I freed my wings and jumped off the house. I flew towards the school close to the trees so that no one would see me I got the the roof of the school and landed. I folded my wings back and went down the Emergency exit down the stairs. I walked over towards the boys lockeroom and I saw Liam I walked into the boys lockeroom with him and Stiles. "what do you mean their  gonna be a little late?" Liam asked stiles. "who's going to be a little late?' coach asked. "Kira and Scott." Stiles said. "what could Scott and Kira be doing togather that would make them a little late?" asked Coach. I scratched the side of my head and lood down at my boots. Liam and Stiles just looked at each other. Then when Coach wasnt getting it Stiles said "oh Coach." Coach just sighed really heavy and then looked over at me like he hadnt noticed me at all. "Parrish what are you doing in the here this is the boys lockeroom?" he asked. Ihad to think of a reason, hmm I got it! "uh I came to see if you needed a sub in for the game tonight since Kira and Scott are gonna be alittle late?" I asked. Liam and Stiles just looked at me like what?. "Have you ever played? do you even know how?" Coach asked. "I used to practice with my brother back home when he played so yes I know how to play they just wouldnt let girls play." I told him. "okay your in, you start, you can wear Garrets old uniform it's the only one I have left that might fit you. It's number  7." he said. I nodded. "ah coach that number is unlucky since he wore it." Stiles said. "It's my second fav number and it's about to get lucky." I said and headed into the lockeroom. I found my way to locker number 7. All the guys were staring at me. I took off my jean jacket and I was about to take off my tank top when Liam came up to me and said "uh you do rember your in the boys lockeroom and all the guy are staring at you." I looked around and sure he enough they all were. So I took my sports bra the jersey the shoulder pads and the shorts into the bathroom stall and then stripped down and put on the uniform. I pulled my hair up into high ponytail and put on my black headedband I keep in my running shoes. I came out of the bathroom and got back to standing by Liam. The lustful look on his face I knew he was hot for me right now. He took out his phone and held it up and I knew he was taking a pic of me so I smiled. Then we took pic of us togather in our uniforms. "can I borrow your phone? I want to text Jordan and Ethan so they can get a chance to see me play." I asked Liam. He nodded and handed me his phone. I put in Ethan's number first.

Rise of the PhoenixOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora