Chapter Three *Not Joking*

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Jimin was on the ship with Yoongi.  (I'm dropping the honorifics because, 1. I'm still learning them and I don't want to make a mistake.)  He learnt the name of all of the crew.  They were a small crew but if what his mother said was true about them defeating ten times the amount of people they had, it was best to be on their side.  Jimin stuck to a barrel near the edge of ledge.  They were still on a dock he overheard them saying they were leaving soon.  Namjoon, Hoseok and Jungkook were feeling uneasy about Jimin.  He couldn't blame them but he was feeling uneasy about everyone on that boat.  At least they had one person to be conscious of instead of six.  

Yoongi had climbed the stairs as Jungkook and Taehyung brought the anchor out of the water.  The water was clear and blue and he could clearly see all the fish swimming around.  Jimin heard the creak of the boat he found annoying.  Jimin also saw Yoongi look at Namjoon and Namjoon nodded and took the wheel.  Yoongi went down the stairs and went to Jimin, who was sitting on a barrel minding his own business, and Yoongi said, "you know how to get there without a map?"  Jimin nodded, not wanting to speak just yet. 
"Where is it then?"
"Do you know Croatia?"
"Well, it's in Dubrovnik, it's just outside the walls."

IMPORTANT SHORT AUTHOR NOTE; In Dubrovnik, there is a place called Old Town and it's an old town with a wall surrounding it, my Grandpa who grew up in Croatia said that it was built so it could protect them against enemies.  

Yoongi looked at Jimin, "it would be hard to get there."  Jimin smirked, "yes, but we aren't going in the walls; we're going outside the walls."  Yoongi nodded, "it would also be a week journey, hope you don't get sick."  Jimin thought that maybe Yoongi was the one who created sarcasm with that sentence.  Yoongi left to find Jin while Jimin was watching land fade away.  He looked off into the ocean wondering what was down there.  It looked more mythical with the water as blue as it is.  His head was placed against the rails on the edge of the ship.   He wanted to go home.  He wished he could go home.  He wondered if his mom already called the cops.  Or if this is like Narnia and his mom is frozen in time.  

"What's your deal?"  Jimin looked at his side to see what was happening.  He knew it was directed to him when Jungkook was looking at him, "what do you mean?"  Jungkook shook his head as he looked down, "I mean, why are you here?"  Jimin answered truthfully, "I know where the Maidens Pearl is."  Jungkook's eyes widened, "oh really?  Then wouldn't you be chasing after it by yourself?  It is a priceless pearl."  Jimin said, "Well, I could do that.   Or, I'm in my own type of trouble and needs some leverage to get by.  These are tough times."  Jungkook nodded, "sure is, but what type of trouble would you be into if your only option is to join pirates, much less the most wanted pirates in all of Europe?"  Jimin coughed, "I didn't come here to get interrogated and who said it was my only option?  I was thinking on my feet and I saw your captain and thought, 'hey, there's someone who could get where I want to be.'"  Jimin laughed and Jungkook responded, "you have a strange sense of humour if you think that's funny."  

Jungkook left and Jimin was left to his mind to get the increase of boredom.  After a minute or two, Jungkook came back with a gun in hand.  Jimin got up and was ready to jump.  Jungkook quickly grabbed onto Jimin's arm so he wouldn't jump, it would be annoying for them to get him back, "no, it's for self-defence, if you are travelling with us, you'll come across some enemies.  You'll need this."  Jungkook was going to place the gun in Jimin's hand but he jerked his hand back on the verge of yelling, "no, I'm not doing that."  Jungkook asked, "why?  I'm sure you know that if you are caught in some duel with the enemy and without this you'll be dead."  Jimin shook his head, "yes, but I'm unknown,  they won't think nothing of me, and besides, I don't want to hurt anyone."  
"But, they'll hurt you and you're one of the only people who know where the Maidens Pearl is."
"Yes, but I won't get hurt and that's final.  I won't hurt anyone and no one's gonna hurt me."
"Why do you seem so sure of yourself?"
"I don't know, but if I do get hurt then it's better me than anyone else."

Jungkook got up thinking something on the lines of, 'he's too soft and that is what will kill him.'  Jimin may have already and unknowingly wormed 10% of himself into Jungkooks heart– against Jungkooks will.  Jungkook trusted Jimin to not turn his back on them.

Okay, no ones reading this but I don't really care.  Why?  Because I like this story and outline.  So, I'll keep writing it. 

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