1. If It Is Love

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Kirishima's POV

"Bakugo, wake up." I gently whispered to the man sleeping peacefully beside me. He slowly opened his eyes and muttered "Shut up." It wasn't unusual for me, Bakugou is normally grumpy. I stood up and opened the blinds "Look, it's a beautiful day. Right?" I looked at him and smiled. It was really a great view, clouds covering the sun but still some rays manage to pass through it and made the cherry tree infront of the window glow. It's pink petals shines as if they were pink crystals. It was a really beautiful sight. My smile grew wider at him."Stop being so noisy first thing in the morning Shitty hair." he said."Ehhhh? Am i wrong?" I asked in confusion. "Just shut up." He replied and covered his face with a blanket. I can't help but smile. This feels really great. Being with him makes me feel really happy.

I want him, I really do. I want him to stay by my side forever. I want to see him and hear his voice always. I want him to only look at me. But im still not sure if this is what they call LOVE.


Riiinggg riinnggg riiinggggg

I woke up at the sound of my alarm ringing. I looked around... "He's not here."it was all just a dream? Why? But it felt really real. As if...... No. There's no way it was real. *sighs* oh well. It was a nice dream.

I looked at the clock it was already 6 A.M. I stood up and head to the door. "It's time for breakfast." I said and went to the cafeteria.

Suprisingly almost everybody was already there. Todoroki-kun sat beside midoriya-kun as always. I looked around for empty seats, 'there' i thought, it was a seat beside Bakugou. 'Shitty hair' I remembered Bakugou's voice from my dream again. Damn, it was just a dream, why is it stuck in my head? "Hey Dude" it was just a dream so it's better to just ignore it. "HEY KIRISHIMA." "Huh?" "Dude are you ok? You're spacing out." Kaminari said with a concerned voice. "Yeah, Im fine." I replied and smiled widely. "Sorry for the wait kirishima-kun here." Sato-kun apologized as he puts down a plate full of pancakes. "It's okay Sato-kun. Also thanks for cooking for us everyday." I exclaimed still smilling widely. "Yeah Sato-kun's cooking is the best." Kaminari added. "Well, here have some side dish with that pancake too. To moderate the sweetness." Sato-kun said and gave us some strawberries and some mapple syrup. We continued eating and I clumsily spilled some mapple syrup onto the table. "Dude, you're spilling it." Kaminari said as he scooped the mapple syrup on the table with his finger and put it in his mouth. "That's disgusting dude." Sero beside him exclaimed. "Hahahahaha" I laughed at them arguing. "Tch." I looked at bakugo, he was also staring at me. I ignored him and just continued eating.


"This is fine, I think." I said after  fixing my hair. "Then I better get going now." i happily exclaimed as I head to the door. "Oi." Oh Bakugou's done. "Bakugou, Good Morning!" I immediately walked to his side. "What do you want?" he boredly asked. "Nothing. Haha thanks for teaching me yesterday. Im sure i'll pass this time." I happily exclaimed. "Yeah, and if you don't i'll kill you." he replied, geez. "Haha sure." I said awkwardly..

The entire walk to our classroom was silent. Shit, this is awkward.


"Solve this within 5 minutes." Mr. Aizawa said as he points out the equation in our textbook. I looked at the equation.......

'I'm pretty sure Bakugo taught me this yesterday.'. Hmmmmm. Shit I don't want to get killed, im still young.

Hmmmmm. Oh yeah right. Just add ac here then multiply b here. "Yosh." I said excitedly. Waaaah Bakugo is seriously great. Seriously Amazing. Thank you bakugou. I looked at him, I guess he's done already. Haaaaa. I need to thank him personally later.


"Kirishima, how did you solve it so quickly?" Kaminari asked nearly crying. "What happened to him?" I asked Sero while pointing at Kaminari. "He didn't solve the equation right I think." Sero replied and continued eating his sandwich. "Waaah." Kaminari's seriously crying. "Hey, how bout we take a break? Like go to the arcade later or so." Sero suggested. I guess I could use a break. But I still need to thank bakugo. I'll just ask bakugo to come with us then. "Where's bakugo?" I asked Mina. "I think he's in his seat. He never leaves." I looked at bakugo. He's surrounded by Iida, Uraraka and Midoriya. 'I thought you didn't like company?' I don't know why, but I felt dissapointed. What the heck is this? I seriously need a break.

"Your dorms are right beside each other right? You know what, somehow bakugou changed." Sero stated. "What do you mean?" I asked. "Yeah Sero is right dude. Because both of you are always together. You and bakugo can do anything together now and even before the kamino accident right?" Kaminari replied. "Yeah? I guess." I still can't understand what are they trying to say. "What I mean is that now bakugo its now easier to approuch bakugo than before. I mean look even Midoriya and the others can talk properly to him now. I think being with you changed him dude." Sero explained while looking at them. I also looked at them, Sero and Kaminari are right. He's much easier to talk to now than before. Now, even with a grumpy face, he's less scarier than before. *sighs* This is great but why do I feel uneasy?


Finally class is over. Kaminari, Sero and the others went to the arcade. I didnt join them because I felt uneasy and I don't know why. I really feel down. I don't even wanna train today. Just laying in bed is relaxing. I want to take a vacation. 'Being with you changed him dude.' 'You and bakugo can do anything together her now and even before the kamino accident right?.' really? I didn't even noticed. It probably didn't mean something special i'll just ignore it. *sighs* I better think of something else."Right." I forgot to thank Bakugo. But I don't want to face him right now.  I'll just text him I guess.

*phone conversation*


Kirishima: Hey Bakugo

Bakugo: What is it shitty hair?

Kirishima: I want to say thank you for teaching me yesterday. Because of you I passed today. Thank you bakugo.

Bakugo: Ofcourse you shit. You dont need to make a fuss every single time.

Kirishima: Hahahaha I know. But still thanks Bakugo.


He won't reply? I guess he's asleep already. Well I already thanked him so I guess its done hahahaha.


A text? I thought he was already asleep.


Bakugo: You're welcome shitty hair.

What is this? Its just a simple text right? But why? Does it makes my heart skip? What the hell this isn't normal.

I think I really need a break....

End of part one. I guss this isn't just a one shot lol but i hope y'all like it. The story is inspired by a Dj entitles "If You Call It Love". I'll post part two soon thankss y'all..

Kiribaku (Requests are Open)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora