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„See you tomorrow, guk" , Namjoon said , sounding exhausted. Jeongguk looked at him biting his bottom lip. „Are you really okay with closing the store alone?"  he asked uncertainly. Namjoon nodded and answered: „ Yea guk, just go before I change my mind. Get home safely." He looked at jeongguk knowing the younger boy loved to take late night walks all by himself. „Okey, see you tomorrow" , he said while ignoring the slightly worried expression of his older friend. Jeongguk went straight to the door and opened it. Before the door closed he yelled a quick: „ Bye" to his coworker. Putting his earphones in he began walking home. After he went around a corner he could hear someone angrily shouting:„Fucking idiot, why would you hide it there, the other women fucking saw you hiding it" pulling his earphones out Jeongguk stopped walking and listend. A annoyed sounding voice began to speak:„ Cool down, nobody will find it. I just..." The angry voice interrupted them:„ I don't wanna hear your cheap excuses. You can't get anything right, do you? You couldn't even deliver the stuff to the customer. Maybe I should just kill you!" With a shooked expression, jeongguk backed away. He turned around and hid so the two people couldn't see him. „No, why would.. I can do better I promise!" The once annoyed sounding voice whined. „you're still unnecessary and can't do anything right", the angry person said. Jeongguk wanted to walk away but stopped as he heard a gun clicking. He mentally screamed hoping it was just a fake gun. Tears threatened to stream out of his eyes as he thought about the person the gun pointed at. „ NO PLEASE.." the persons screaming was disturbed by a loud shot. Jeongguk was now full on crying and put his hand over his mouth to quiet his whimpers. He could hear the man sighting and putting his gun into his jacket. „Hmm, I thought he would be a better choice. Well, then I was wrong" the man said calmly. He began walking out of the dark alley. Exactly in the direction jeongguk stood. Quickly the young boy bend down and hugged his knees, hoping the man wouldn't see him and shoot him too. He closed his eyes and put his head onto his tights.

Sitting like this for almost two minutes he slowly opened his eyes and searched for the man, hoping the whole situation was just a dream. He just hoped he woke up in his bed or in the bookshop and Namjoon would wake him up to tell him he could go home for the day. But he didn't, he still stood there beside the tiny alley between some old looking houses, which looked like they would fall apart any second. Slowly jeongguk dared to look into the alley but backed off immediately shouting a lot of quiet no's to himself. He surely wouldn't forget this picture for a while. In movies he could ignore all the blood and the wounds because he knew it wasn't real. But this was real life, real blood. He felt himself beginning to hyperventilate and took a deep breath. After gaining a little composure Jeongguk grabbed his phone and immediately called the police. Still in shook he answered a few questions from the lady who answered the telephone. After the call endet and the lady told him to wait there everything was blurred. Because of that he didn't notice the spider crawling into his pants. He sat down and tried to think about something different. About the book he was reading at the moment, about his parents and even about his lonely life at school. But nothing kept the image of the blood covered male, laying just a few meters beside him, away. After what felt like an infinity the police and the ambulance came and took the man with them. Jeongguk needed to go to the police office to answer a few questions. He told the police everything he knew and a police officer drove him home. As he entered the door to his home his parents already stood up from the couch and almost ran to him.

„What happened? The police called and just said you had to stay there for a while", his mum began saying. „ Im gonna tell you tomorrow. Good night" Jeongguk answered feeling paralysed, leaving his parents in the hallway.That night, jeongguk didn't sleep long. He was scared of closing his eyes and seeing the image of the man again. The fifteen year old boy was disappointed he couldn't help him. He felt guilty, even though he couldn't do anything to stop the angry man from killing the other. He cried a lot and didn't calm down even when he fell asleep. Jeongguk woke up every ten minutes to feel the wet tears on his cheeks again. It was the worst night of his life. So far.

As the sun began to rise again he decided to take a morning run. He was never one to go jogging in the mornings but he just wanted to clear his mind at that time. His mind was so foggy he didn't realize the spider sitting on his arm. As he put his T-shirt on he accidentally made the spider fall on his shoulder. The little insect got angry and bid him. Out of reflex jeongguk crushed the spider with his palm. Sighting he walked to the bathroom and cleaned his hands of the blood. Too caught up in his thoughts he didn't realize his vision going blurry and his limps going weak. The last thing he saw before he passed out was the blood of the spider on his hands.


The first chapter!! Omg I am soo nervous about posting this.

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed it! Please comment if I made a mistake. English is not my first langurage and I really want to improve my spelling and grammar.

See ya!

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