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You guys know the original story. He was bitten by the spider, got super human abilities, tried them out and began being a superhero.

All that shit, Jeongguk thought, because of a tiny fucking spider. Had he known that this was, what was waiting for him being a hero, he might have stayed in the bookstore with Namjoon or might or might not had run in the opposite direction as fast as he could. Well at first it hurt like a bitch, like his limbs couldn't even move. Then it was awesome, his abilities to stick on the ceiling and shoot webs out of his wrists. Then it wasn't cool how he had to stay inside for weeks before being able to control his cool abilities. After that it was his favorite thing to do. He shot webs at almost everything in his room. Including the doorknob because his parents were persistent on checking on him while he was "ill".

If they knew, jeongguk believed they would send him to one of the best doctors in korea to find out what was wrong with him.

They never hesitated with spending money if their only son was not heathy.

When jeongguk began helping people wearing a black hoodie and face mask in the middle of the night or in broad daylight, it was cool. He was a hero. But then it was bad again when the easy tasks became more and more dangerous.

More often then not he found himself in his bathroom when the sun began to rise, cleaning his wounds and not sleeping like he should.

Hell when school started again and he went to his lokal high school things only got worse. The constant pressure of his parents to focus on school, his need to please them and his strong sense of justice, to fight for the ones who couldn't, took the best of him.

While other teenagers began drinking, smoking and being carefree, Jeongguk began fighting criminals and spending more time on rooftops of random houses than in his own bed. 


I know, it's been years since I uploaded this fanfic originally. I am not really a Taekook shipper nor an Army anymore sadly. But I had this in my drafts and thought about updating this story in the future again. 

Until the next update probably in 2023, see you!  

Nice of you to look into this story. I hope I don't disappoint you too much if you never hear from me on here again. 

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