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      the bottle of whisky was latched in corbyn's hand. the heavy feeling of guilt in his chest slowly was starting to fade with each sip he took. the memory of what had occurred an hour go still fresh in the back of his head. he couldn't help but think back to the feeling he felt, that warm feeling, a feeling he never felt with christina.

corbyn throws back the bottle, the whisky burning the back of his throat as he gulped down the liquid. daniel had already left, storming out of the house after corbyn had left him.

jack, with a smile of concern walks towards corbyn who was sat in his father's study, the only source of light being the small lamp next to couch corbyn was lounged on.

"you good bud?" jack questions sitting down next to corbyn who sat up. corbyn shrugs not answering his question. answering his question required admitting that he cheated on christina. "you disappeared for a while." he smirks.

corbyn slams the bottle on the table, "so what!" he barks catching jack off guard. "sorry." corbyn apologizes slurring his words.

jack doesn't say anything more sending corbyn wasn't in the mood to talk. "if you're upset about the party i'll make everyone leave." he smiles softly at corbyn before leaving the study.

just as corbyn was about to get comfortable zach herron enters the room, a displeased look on his face.

"what?" corbyn says rolling his eyes.

zach stands next to the desk, his arms crossed as he stared at corbyn. "you know what," he sternly says. "im telling you this for your own good stay away from daniel, he's, he's not someone to be messing around with trust me." zach warns corbyn who stares at him confused.

"why are you warning me about him? aren't you his friend?" corbyn snorted rolling his eyes.

"just don't get involved with him, he's dangerous." zach glares at him.

"i have a girlfriend." it felt like corbyn had said those exact words too many times in one night.

zach rolls his eyes, walking towards the door. but before he left he turns around. "to daniel you're just a game, he's done this before and i don't want to see- never mind." zach turns on his heels walking away.

corbyn sat questions buzzing through his head. the number one question was what in the hell zach was talking about. what did daniel do before?


it was the next morning, corbyn awoke with the worst headache and barely no trace of what had happened last night. he hoped that would be how it went, he didn't want to remember anything from last night. but of course that's not how all things worked.

jack and a very grumpy jonah helped corbyn clean up the mess. his parents were coming back sometime around monday and corbyn wanted to get the house cleaned before they got back. if they found one trace that he had a party last night his ass would be grass.

"remind me to never drink so much!" jonah groans loudly, sweeping the mess on the floor into a pile. jack was outside cleaning around the patio with the help of jordan who unluckily  was the first one awake out of him and ashley.

"remember to remind me too," corbyn laughs picking up a red solo cup from the counter. "what are we gonna do with the keg?" corbyn questions nodding towards the partially full keg.

jonah shrugs. "we could finish it." he suggested.

"you just said you weren't going to drink again." corbyn chuckles chucking a cup at jonah.

"question howe'd you get those hickies?" jonah wiggles his eyebrows.

corbyn tried to rank his brain, the memory of last night hazy. "i think christina and i hooked up." he shrugs.

jonah looks at him confused. "what do you mean you think."

corbyn sighs. "last night is a bit hazy."

jonah nods, grabbing the dust pan from the shelf he had placed it on.

"is ashley going to ever get up?" jonah groans. just as he said that ashley hits him upside the head, laughing.

"i'm up and not helping, wasn't my party." she sasses stepping over the mess that was still on the floor. she walks into the kitchen.

corbyn groans, "it wasn't jordan's party either but hes helping jack." corbyn points to the patio where jack and jordan were trying to get trash out of the pool, most of the patio clean already.

ashley chuckles. "jack probably paid him."

time skip

the sound of christina's laughter rang in corbyn's ears the girl sitting beside him, her smile wide despite the hangover she complained of.

jack and jonah had left, promising to come back later.

ashley gagged when she passed the two, who were cuddled up on the couch watching the office on netflix. "you guys are disgustingly cute together." she states grabbing a box of goldfish from the pantry.

christina looks at corbyn's neck, touching the bruises that were there. "did we hook up last night?" she questions confused.

corbyn nods, "yeah we both were pretty drunk." he kisses her hair, pulling her closer to him.

if only corbyn knew what actually had happened last night.

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