Medicine class

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At the new year.Alex became 15 on 24/3 as usuall. But unusuall thing happen.
The master of Alex's school Vultus decided to add a new subject to school. This subject was medicine class.Unusuall name,unusuall teacher.
A new subject added to school from the side of having fun,Alex's mother didn't actually agree at this new subject her point of view was that children can be harmed.Professor Mortainal martel was the teacher of the new subject.All the class actually laughed at his name.He asked them to call him professor Martel instead of mr. Mortanial. He had black eyes and one of his eyes had a small hole above .Students thought it was a failed mixture or that was what did the professor say."Martel" had a fat face,ridiculous clothes as if he was in a sircus ,big wide nose,big lips , funny facial expressions over his face and fast ,wired way of talking that made the class always filled up with smiles which always appeared confusing to professor Martel.
- Good morning Students.He said quickly
= Good morning proffesor
- We'll gladly learn a new medicine mixture today..Do you know which one??
= No
- Well Well it's transforming mixture..Yes yes you'll transform small objects from tidy to untidy objects do you understand students??
Said the proffesor quickly as his words where non explained at all
= yes ,professor
- Well let's start..He said happily with happy, funny facial expressions.
- First add a small leaf from the coconut tree
= but proffesor said Amilda Hopeless
- Yes mrs ehmm are??
= Hopeless,Amilda hopeless
- Yes mrs Hopeless??
= Trees?? But coconut grow up in palm trees professor..
Amilda Hopeless  was a young lady she was beautiful..tiny lips, mouth and tiny blue eyes ..straight soft hair and a circular face..
- Perhaps you're wrong Mrs Hopeless Coconut also have trees but you can find them in the evil side of the worldy world..Oh..I shall warn you.. you shall not ask about that.. Now we'll add a small eye of a creepy young agon..You can't ask about this too students.Now let's mix them haaah..
Sighed the professor happily and evil expressions on his fat old face.
After a while or less the potion was everywhere it exploded like a bomb..exploded everywhere.
-ok.I promised that this potion will turn things from tidy to untidy and now the whole place is a mess hehe.
Tickled the professor to Alex which was the only one who understood the trick quickly and laughed with professor Martel.. Rest of the class didn't find that funny and thought that the professor didn't mean to explode the potion and it happened by an accident.Only Alex understood these little things going around.
Alex loved professor Martel .They became friends in a short time and Alex had lots of fun
during the medicine class he always understood professor Martel's Tricks and wasn't annoyed at all.But most of times they learned good mixtures and Alex found that incridble as they lerned unusuall medicines like.. Hydrating medicine,power medicine and temporary super power medicine..Some appeared like yoga,some like magic but the most powerful medicine they learned is the killing one which makes you a murderer by all means. This potion was not illegal in the worldy world by the orders of the worldy world's king..It was very harmfull..but professor Martel wanted to show his students especially Alex What does this medicine do so he tried it in front of the kids but on a snake He wanted them to hate the snake so they won't be surprised when it becomes a murderer and tries to kill someone
-Do you want to see something unusuall to see in the school??
- Won't you answer students??
Well I'll answer and the answer is yes I want you to see something unusuall. And it's a snake kids
= professor This will be illegal in ..
- Ohh I don't know what you're talking about.
Interrupted Martel The student Percy Hollaw. This boy had black eyes and an unusual facial expressions he was so coward to do any dangerous thing..
- Now let's see what will this snake do.
He left the snake happily..
Alex was glad they'll try something new instead of boring classes all day..
The snake rolled in the middle of the class and went in the direction of Yang chi .
Yang chi wasn't scared of the snake because they usually train snakes in China..
The snake rolled over Chi's Leg then turned to his hand rolling over it and Chi is enjoying it's movement..Professor Martel Knew they'll love the snake instead of hating him so he walked in the class,went to Chi's chair and held the snake then put it on Helena Badnoise She was the most brave girl in the class but her worst fear was animals.She scared even from pets..Her name was funny but her personality was strong..
- Badnoise..
= Yes ..professor
- Can you hold the snake ??
= No professor please please get it off the desk please professor Martel Please I'm begging you please.. Well nobody have ever seen her begging someone or saying please ever!!
- Mrs Badnoise it's not that bad well I'll put it away.. Said Martel
Then Martel Turned to Asian Clorox
He had the worst behaviors in the class but Alex hated him although Alex loved all bad guys .He liked their way..But him.
But Asian Clorox was actually the enemy of everyone except Angelo Clorox His brother. Asian Was the elder boy.
They were brothers and evil best friends too. They used to do some pranks in professor Martel But he most famous was the love medicine prank..They made the professor fall in love with the old painting in his office this expended for a week then the master of the school noticed and brought him back to his normal one knew how did the master know about the reflect potions as no one know about the punishment of Asian And Angelo.
Asian Had green eyes, big nose,big mouth,black hair and a high neck.
Angelo Had black hair too but his eye was brown and his nose was small,big mouth too.They used to be the worst students as all the teachers say.
After turning the snake to Asian He started staring at it and opened his eyes wide as if he will control the snake but the snake rolled over his hand so he jumped off his desk and started to jump and scream loudly.Professor Martel Took the snake and he realized that they won't hate it so he made his dessision .He put the snake in the corner and started to make the potion without telling the students what is he doing only said the ingredients. But Alex realized that when the class starts laughing he turns the snake to someone else so he understood that he wanted them to hate the snake but he correctly failed..
Then when Martel finished the potion he told kids to see what will happen when the snake drink this potion.He put the potion in a bowl and put it in front of the snake . The snake started making a noise like it's hurting it like a thousand knife crossing his heart then after minutes the snake started moving towards Alex Jason and tried to attack him quickly after rolling on his neck but professor Martel stopped him quickly..Then Martel killed the snake by a knife...
- Professor ?? That's horrible. The school master shall punish you. Said Yang Chi
= I don't know what are tou talking about mr.Chi  Said the professor smiling..After the class professor Martel appeared evil for everone but Alex because he knew he was trying to make the students hate the snake before killing it..

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