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The next year raticat went  inside sun and  when it was going to black hole,                                                                                             In  the other side on the moon one man, named Daniel, was living there.He eats the mud of the moon. His sight extends to 100 km and he can jump 100 km away from the moon. 

Then Raticat went  10 km  near to the  moon  and then, Daniel sees  the Raticat's space ship.  Daniel jumps inside the spaceship. And Daniel throws the blue liquid. And Daniel went near the  Raticat.  Raticat  sees Daniel, and  asks "What is your name?" Daniel replies hesitatingly,  "My name is......... Daniel..... I live on the moon " . Then, Raticat asks "What do you want from me?" .Daniel replies "I want your flesh". Raticat  replies  "No, I will not give". 

Then Raticat bites Daniel. Daniel becomes a monster. And eats Raticat. 

And in few days Daniel went to the star where,  Raticat was living.

After some time, he unleashes his real powers. 

Then, after  understanding his powers,  He want's to take the 30 black hole powers to go inside sun. but he can take only one black hole power in one year.

And Daniel wants to take a big powerful knife. If he touch any one heart with the knife they become as Daniel slaves. And they will listen what he will tell. And he will has the sun's power.

Then, he went near the first black hole he took the first power. After one year he went another black hole ans took another power. after he went to all 30 black hole which will give powers to go inside sun. then he went insde sun he took the knife but he forgot to take suns power.

 Then, after Daniel went on a planet there are no creatures then he search for a creature . Then at last he found a creature. The is like a dragoon . 

Daniel gave powers for that creature . He kept a name for that that is "killer". He keep the killer as his son.

One day killer made a small space ship and his spaceship is powerful also. So, he show his spaceship to his dad. Then his dad told that you put your space ship to do research. That to found a developed planet there should be some creatures. To keep as their slaves.  

 Then, one day he got a planet there are living some creatures. then he did full research ten he got that is the planet "earth".And there creatures are said to be human beings. He told to his dad Daniel.  

That," dad in my research i got one planet in that there are some creatures named human beings." 

"Ok, my dear son you given me a nice planet, then it's time to do our plan release our spaceship in our lovely space to do the planet our slave".

"Ok, dad ". 

And Daniel know in earth there are living humans. Then Daniel wants to become the humans as his slaves. And Daniel take his spaceship to go on earth. He kept his destination on one village. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 30, 2020 ⏰

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