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Even after losing my friends, and going along with his every insulting action, Gavin remains... problematic.
I really don't understand what he'd like me to do at this point.

I understand that the detective has been through much hardship in his life, I do.
He suffered abuse as a child, had limited friendly social interactions, alcoholism on top of preexisting mental conditions, and so on.
But that still does not give him the right to treat me the way he does, when I try my best to remain compliant and agreeable.

Seeing as Tina and Chris are his only true friends, human at least, it's safe to assume that Gavin felt threatened by my growing relationships with the two, and feared he would lose them.
Considering he blames androids in general, not me specifically, for stealing most things from him, it wouldn't be surprising for him to have reacted this way.

It doesn't make it any less hurtful though.
I have tried to befriend him and be kind, I've even sunk as low as to basically serve him, but it does nothing.

Everyday becomes more confusing than the last. Why are emotions so complicated?

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