How Jimmy got his Scrafty

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"Alex! Guess what my cousin in Unova sent me?"

Kellz ran into the office, carrying a basket with a blanket over it. Alex Faciane and Jimmy Beliakoff walked over to see it. Kellz pulled the blanket back, and a little Pokemon poked it's head out. It appeared to glisten as well.

"Scraggy, scraggy!"

Alex and Kellz giggled and cooed. Jimmy stayed silent, standing back a bit. He didn't like Scraggy or Scrafty, but he was too polite to say anything rude.

"You wanna see it?" Kellz asked.

"I'm not a big fan of Scraggy," Jimmy admitted softly. "I just don't like it's look."

"Are you kidding?" Alex asked.

Kellz pulled them into the break room so they could be more comfortable.

"Scraggy and Scrafty are so awesome," she said.

"Prepare to have your mind self destruct like an Electrode," Alex said.

"Scrafty can spit acid from it's mouth and kick through concrete walls," Kellz told Jimmy. "And he looks like a modern hoodlum, hence being the Hoodlum Pokemon. But, that's not all. His mohawk is reminiscent of the Punk movement."

"But isn't black a common color for both of those?" Jimmy asked.

Kellz nodded. "Yes, it is. But, notice how Scraggy holds his skin up?"

Jimmy nodded.

"It's akin to how pants were worn in the zoot suit movement," Alex said. "And clothes were known for being brightly colored back then."

"Wow," Jimmy said, smiling. "He's like a combination of all kinds of youth movements throughout time. That's kind of cool."

"It sure is," Kellz said.

Jimmy looked down as the little Scraggy climbed into his lap.

"You know, come to think of it, the little guy is super adorable," he said, smiling.

"And train this little guy up, and he's super strong," Alex said.

"Hey, you wanted a Pokemon," Kellz said. "Why don't you keep him?"

Jimmy smiled.

"I'd like that," he said, smiling and cuddling the little Scraggy.

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