Chapter 18

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Chapter 18

Looking up I saw the guy was Jared. His eyes widened upon seeing me but then he seemed to get his bearings and relaxed more.

"Hey aren't you Shadow?" From his eyes I could tell he already knew the answer to that.

I nodded at him. "Are these your brother and sister orrr?.." He seemed slightly confused. Pointing at the kids I raised an eyebrow. "Oh!" Now I'm really confused! Seems like he is too. "What I mean is Kale is my brother but Ali is his sister" when he said his he pointed to the ring.

Raising an eyebrow again, I turned around to look at the men in the ring.

Oh. My eyes widened at who I saw was in the ring right now. A man that looked to be in his early 20s; and a man around the age of 18.

The man around 18 was also my chemistry lab desk neighbor...

(A/N: I was gonna stop here but I'm not that cruel ;) )

So it was Damien that was fighting tonight...

He's the supposed 'legendary fighter' I had heard about??

When did this happen?! Thought I'd have heard about this but maybe I'm just out of it...

Realizing I was staring at Damien for way longer than necessary I turned back to Jared. "Which one?"

He chuckled remembering he didn't say which fighter, just that her brother was a fighter. "The younger one. His name's Damien, a good friend of mine. Legendary great fighter. You know the works."

I rolled my eyes at that! The works? What the hell is that supposed to mean?

"Come on guys. We better get back over there." Jared winked at me as he left to bring both Kale and Ali back to Damien's side.

That was weird..


"Alllleeexxxx!!!" What the fuck?

"Alex Alex Alex Alex Alex Alex Alex Al-omph!"

Suddenly my blanket was ripped off my bed. I kept my eyes closed determined to hang on to my sleep.

"Did you really have to throw that?" Looking up at Matt I threw him an award winning smile.

Except I was pretty tired so it turned to a yawn. "Yes I did. Now get out."

He scowled at me but then turned and left, slamming the door behind him.

Once I was dressed I walked out of my room but not before grabbing my keys and phone. Looking into Ben's room I sighed. I miss that little bugger. The nightlight in the corner was on, he must have forgotten about it. Turning it off for him I turned to see an old photo of Ben, Matt and I two years ago. The picture was taken when we all spent two weeks up North with our grandparents. Ben's eyes glistened in the light as he grinned at the camera. I had hay in my hair from the old barn out back. Matt was frowning, me and Ben were sitting on his back with Matt face down. He tried to be 'mad' but you could see he was fighting a smile.

I sighed. I missed those days. It was shortly after that visit when my grandfather had a stroke and passed away. Not long after my grandmother went from what the doctor says 'a broken heart.'

Grabbing an apple I hopped in my car and sped off to school.



Just a filler!! Next chapter coming real soon!

P.S I HATE chemistry

But anywho! How're you guys?! Hope you liked the chapter! Let me know.





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