Chapter 2: Life with a Knucklehead

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EDIT(2024): Please check out the latest chapters! Improved writing and I'm back to writing this story!

Nagato and Konan were strolling down to the Hokage Monument being called by some few shinobi because their son had defaced the monument in paint. Nagato deadpanned when he was informed, his son was very similar how Yahiko behaved. Konan had a tick mark on her forehead listening and dragged Nagato along. Nagato thought about the memories with Naruto....

Baby Naruto was sitting on the lap of Konan who was playing with him. Naruto looked at Konan's face with his blue ocean eyes. Konan smiled at him and then Naruto spoke "K-Kaa-chan..." Konan's mouth opened wide and stood up lifting Naruto in her arms, spinning him around. Konan exclaimed "Naru you called me 'Kaa-chan'!!!" Nagato holding a bag full of instant ramen spoke "What happened, Konan-chan?" Konan shouted while still spinning the young Uzumaki "Naruto called me Kaa-chan!" Nagato dropped the bag of ramen and became sad like Hashirama Senju. Nagato was sad as Naruto was supposed to call him first! Not Konan! Konan chuckled and accidentally let go of Naruto. Naruto flew through the room. Konan screamed Nagato's eyes widened and grabbed Naruto from the air, saving him. Naruto with adorable eyes exclaimed "Again Tou-chan! Again!" Nagato smiled and shouted "See Konan-chan! He spoke his first sentence and it was me in it!" Konan just pouted. Nagato threw Naruto in the air again and again, catching him. Nagato threw him once and then tripped. Naruto was about to drop but was caught by the origami style user. Nagato gulped and looked at Konan who looked furious. Nagato spoke, nervously "M-Ma M-Ma Konan-chan, Naruto's okay." Konan put Naruto in his crib and exclaimed "NAGATO!" grabbing a frying pan out of nowhere and bonking his head.

Nagato winced at that memory and remembered another one.

Nagato was reading the book of 'The Gutsy Tale of a Ninja.' By his adopted father, Jiraiya. He knew that Minato and Kushina named Naruto after the main character. Konan was cooking dinner as a one year old Naruto spoke "Kaa-chan! Kaa-chan!" Konan spoke without seeing Naruto "Wait Naru. Dinner's being ready." Naruto pouted as nobody paid attention to him. He then crawled halfway but then grabbed onto a small desk and shakily stood up. He then waddled like a penguin to Konan, tugging at her desk. Konan sighed and spoke "Nagato I've told you not to disturb..." looking at the small figure of Naruto, she grabbed him and held him firmly and spoke "Nagato-kun! Naru walked across to the kitchen to me!" Nagato was shocked and put his book down. Our favorite Blonde was set down on the floor. Nagato sat down on the floor and spoke "Ne Ne, Naruto come to Tou-chan. Come to Tou-chan." Naruto pouted at Nagato, in return Konan chuckled at that. Nagato spoke "Okay then if you don't want ramen then its fine by me..." Naruto lit up at that word and stood up and waddled quickly into the grasps of Nagato, hugging him. Nagato chuckled and hugged back. Naruto let go and said "Tou-chan RWAMEN!" Konan and Nagato laughed at Naruto.

Those fond memories of their life with Naruto but now he was five years old and they would have to run after him like this incident,

"NARUTO!!" A two year old Naruto running around the compound, butt naked, He had just come out of the bath tub and then ran straight past Konan who was holding a towel. Naruto was laughing and running around the compound. Konan spoke "Nagato! Get the clothes! I'll catch Naruto!" Nagato nodded and Konan chased after Naruto. Naruto stopped and did a dance to tease his mother. Konan sighed and started the chase again. Naruto was running as he bumped into a figure. Nagato spoke "Caught you now Naru-chan." Naruto pouted and then was swarmed by a towel and Nagato put Naruto's clothes on him. While that the Blonde was trying to escape but couldn't because of the origami clones of Konan who just sighed........

Nagato and Konan looked at the now vandalized Hokage Faces. Nagato face palmed as he saw a blonde hanging on a rope. A shinobi shouted "You brat stop acting childish and defacing the faces!" A loud laugh was heard from the blonde and he shouted "You're just jealous that you can't pull of such kind of things. I could outrun the whole village. Nobody can beat me." A voice exclaimed "Is that so, Naruto Uzumaki." Naruto almost fell and gulped, nervously... Naruto spoke "K-Kaa-chan." Feeling the wrath of his mother scared him. He jumped down on the ground, completely unharmed and started running very fast away from his parents. Konan spoke "Nagato." Nagato sweat dropped and spoke "Yes Ma'am. UZUMAKI CHAKRA CHAINS!" The chains speedily went side by side of Naruto and wrapped him around, pulling him towards his parents. Naruto's teeth started chatter and a bonk was heard.

Naruto exclaimed "Owww. You're so mean Kaa-chan." Konan pulled Naruto's ear and dragged him to the compound. Nagato followed slowly. Naruto was still being pulled and then he saw Jiraiya and shouted "JIJI! Help me from Kaa-chan!" Jiraiya chuckled and spoke "Can't do Gaki. Your Kaa-chan is strong as your Baa-chan..." Naruto whined and spoke "Chibi! Come on you got to help me." Chibi just whimpered in response. Konan set Naruto on the sofa and lectured him for two hours. Naruto was dying from boredom. While his father watched chuckling. Konan spoke "Well then, your punishment is No ramen for a week." Naruto pleaded while Nagato was laughing. Konan had an evil smirk and spoke "Nagato for laughing at your son. Both of you have a ban from ramen for a month." Both Uzumakis started crying and hugging each other. Konan left to the kitchen making everybody's lunch......

As night fell, Konan and Nagato were sitting together, Konan spoke "We need to enroll Naruto into the academy. They have changed it to five years of age now." Nagato nodded and spoke "Of course, Naruto has the skills of a ninja. He is undetectable and easily can outrun ANBU." Konan nodded but sadly said "If, the few civilians who glare at him for having the Kyuubi would understand." Nagato nodded and spoke "Whoever told the identity of the Jinchuriki, When I get my hands on him. I'll kill him. Until then we'll keep Naru-chan safe." Konan nodded and suggested "Up for another competition, who can drink the more number of sake bottles." Jiraiya popped up and said "Make it three people!" The three chuckled and drank sake to their fullest...........

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