The Castle

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Redwing was consumed by a ball of fire that singed his clothing, reddened his flesh, and burned every hair off his head including his eyebrows. A massive feeling of motion grabbed him and his inner ear balance went all out of whack. The flames burnt out in a flash, he opened his eyes and wiped away his singed lashes. He was in the courtyard of the Stone Mountain castle standing on the teleportation marker. 

"Just how many people know this spot?" he wondered.

The golden runes under his feet gently lost their illumination. He put a hand to his head and felt his raw skin. His hands looked like he had a terrible sunburn. The sun was rising in the east and the light stung his reddened flesh. He turned away from it and headed into the castle. The large front gate was locked but he needed no key to open it, just a word. 

The great receiving hall of the long-dead king of Stone Mountain was dark, silent, and still. Lovely unicorn tapestries gave the empty throne room marvelous color. At the far end above a short flight of stairs, three ornate chairs of ascending sizes sat against the back wall. 

Redwing crossed the chamber, through the door on the other side, and into the kitchen. Melock often referred to it as his pantry of earthly delights. Though the isolated mountain top castle was vacant and empty the kitchen shelves were always stocked with a fresh abundance of food. He walked up to a mirror on the sidewall and looked at his red face.

"Ouch." He touched his cheeks and forehead. 

He stared into the looking glass and said, "father, I'm at the castle." 

He walked over to the shelves, grabbed a plate, loaded it with smoked boar, aged cheese, fresh lettuces, and root vegetables, then sat down at the long wooden benched table to eat. When he was full he sat there staring forward lost in thoughts of Kulju, his powers, and the fate of the wolves. He didn't even hear the castle door open and slam shut. 

"You lost all your hair but you certainly kept your appetite." 

Redwing looked up from his empty plate to see Melock with a big smile on his face and playing with the ends of his mustache. Towering over him stood Øregård, notably not smiling. 

"Øregård! Father, I..." Redwings shocked expression turned his bright pink head even redder. 

"Now, my boy, I've asked Øregård not to hit you in the future. In his defense, you did shoot him in the arm." Melock sat across from him at the table while Øregård began looking for things to eat. 

"You should know by now that Gastraddars, that's what Øregård is, are incredibly hard to kill. He's far more resilient than your garden variety ogre. One day, I shall have to take you to his homeworld. Fascinating place."

"Yes, take me home, Wizard." Øregård slammed down a massive roast lamb shank and a huge wooden beer stein, spilling foam all over the table before he savagely dug in. 

"In good time, old friend, in good time." Melock patted him on the back. 

"Harumph," grunted the green giant. 

"Now, I want you two to makeup and no hard feelings. Agreed?"

Redwing squirmed in his seat. 

"Agreed?" asked Melock again. 

"OK," said the brute spitting out bits of meat. 

He extended a greasy hand to Redwing, who hesitated.

"You aren't angry with me?" 

"Bygones," said Øregård, his hand still hung over the table.

"I won't use magic on you again and I'll work on improving my aim." He took the green hand in his much smaller pink one. 

"Battle is challenging. Experience is what you need." Øregård shook his hand, slimed it up with grease, and released it to continue eating. 

Melock got up happily from the table grabbed a green spikey plant in a pot on the far end of the shelf and returned to his seat next to Øregård and across from Redwing. 

"Excellent. I agree experience is what he needs. Now down to business." 

He cleared his throat before addressing his son.

"First, this is called aloe. You can break the stems and wipe the goo inside on your skin, it will heal you. Won't do much for the hair though." He placed the plant in the center of the table. 

"Second, it seems you've met Kulju. I'd recognize his pyrotechnic teleportation anywhere. A lesser wizard for sure but clearly you aren't ready to take him. Had you brought Øregård as I advised you to do, we might be having a celebratory feast, instead of licking our wounds."

"Yeah, but..." 

"Thirdly, and this is my final point. Thirdly, I'd like you to continue your studies in someplace a bit more structured this time. And it's closer to home so we can keep an eye on you. Now, what were you going to say?"


Redwing broke off one of the plants spikey stems, smelling the clear viscous insides and smeared it all over his hands, face, and head. 

"Excellent, it's settled. Now, before leaving these wondrous mountains, I'd like to teach you something about negotiation, tact, and dealing with beings far more powerful than yourself. A lesson of value for everyone."

Melock short stern looks at both the pink one and the green one. 

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