Crossed the line (X Child)

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Young Crosshairs

I was pulled from my berth and jolted awake to cops and law officers yelling in my face.

I never listen to what they said, I knew they were yelling at me and I new why...

I didn't fight against them, just ran along as I was forced to the floor. My servo's on my back cuffed, a knee was pressed down on my back struct forcing me to lay still. I couldn't hear what they were yelling at me, and honestly I didn't want to hear it.

As I was on the floor I looked towards the door of my room, between all the pedes belonging to officers, I saw small pedes.

Small light green pedes belonging to a small femme with white and silver spots on her armor. She was standing there just looking... looking at me. Her bright blue optics looked at me with curiosity, I saw no anger in them, just curiosity. I looked beside her only to see the law officer who's servo she was holding onto. He looked down at me with a scowl, optics narrow. I knew what he was thinking, how could someone like me be caring for a sweet little sparkling like her ? Especially after what I did...

I looked away, one thing was what I had done a couple of vorns ago.. that was the reason for them coming here. But she never knew... and I didn't want her to know. She didn't have to know...

" Cross.. what is happening ?"

I heard her tiny feminine voice ask, just as one of the officers pulled me up enough to sit on my knees. I look to the side, swallowing the lump in my throat, before looking at her, trying to press back my tears.

" It's grown up stuff... I did something stupid and made some of these guys angry..."

" But why are they hurting you ? "

Urg... she had to ask

" As I said sweetspark, they are mad at me... I will just have to have a talk with them "

" That's enough. Take the sparkling. Move you piece of scrap !"

One of the officers pushed me and made sure it would leave a mark, but I didn't even growl, my optics were locked on her. The little femme... My twenty vorns younger sister... she was being carried by that other law officer. She looked at me over his shoulder, she was so confused, I could tell not only by the look on her face but also by the sibling bond I earlier on had refused to take part of. But I had gotten soft one night where she was having a nightmare and opened it, and now I had to close it again...

" Crosshairs. Mech. 24 vorns. Lives alone. No friends or family, living nearby. Has an unusually long criminal record for a mech your age, how is that ? "

Dumb aft slagging officer, trying to play stupid.

I thought inside my helm, they had placed me in an interrogation room as soon as we made it to the station. And now I was here. With tired optics I looked at the older mech sitting in front of me.

" Slag happened when I was younger..."

Was all I said, if he wanted more he would have to ask directly.

" Enough to make you offline your own guards ? " He said with a raised optic ridge and looked skeptical at me, I just huffed and leaned back.

" So you found out..."

" Mech.. we have been looking for you for vorns "

" So... It took you guys some time to find me, don't you think ?"

" Why do you sound so smug about it ? Do you even know what you did ?"

He asked leaning forward. I got a dangerous smirk to my dermas, before leaning forward also, resting my arms on the table.

" Let me think for a click... I broke into my guards place in the middle of the night, shoot my sire straight through his fragging helm, shot my carrier four times in the tank and left her to bleed out. Walked into the berth room found a newborn sparkling that was my twenty vorns younger sister. Kidnapped her and left the crime scene to go disappeared for as long as possible... Pits yeah ! I know what I did! And I don't regret a single thing..."  

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