Chapter 2: On To The Shifting Sands

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On the sands of time, known as the shifting sands, five brave heroes are trying to Travers this harsh environment

Marcus, Lux, Fiora, and Katarina are on camel back, whilst Leone is on Tamaias; the Zinogre, all of them wore some sort of clothes suitable for long dessert journey

Leone is at front of the group as they followed him because he has the map, and the compas

"How much farther do we have to go Leone?" Asked Lux for the up tenth time

Although Leone was patiently leading the way, as he is the one with following maps

"We still have a long way to go" he said as he folds the map and tucks it inside his bag, "we just need to get to the ruins of Shurima and do some extermination... But first we need to find an Oasis, our rides are growing tired"

"Second that" Katarina says as she is now red as her hair, "it's way too hot out here..."

Leone handed her a canteen, which she took and drank from

"Don't drink it all okay"

Katarina tries to drink the water from the canister, when she tried to drink, not a single drop of water came out

"NO!!!!" Lux said as she dreaded over their last canister of water, "we'll die within the shifting sands!!"

Katarina scowled at the ball of grieving sunshine, "Shut up! For your information, I did not drink it all"

"It looks like the sun dried it all up" Leone said as he patted Tamaias, "if the map is true, we should encounter an Oasis we could stop and rest"

A while later, true than not, they found an Oasis, not a mirage, but a true bonafide Oasis"

The camels, Tamaias, and their riders had their fill of Water, rested from the immense heat of the desert

"First a frozen wasteland called the Freljord, and now a desert called Shurima!!" Lux yelled, and now what next?! A monster within the sand dunes!!"


"You just had to say it?" Fiora asked Sarcastically

With a short tremor a huge insectoid creature, burst out from the sands, snarling at our heroes

A creature that has twenty pairs of legs, sharp claws, an iridescent carapace covered it's whole body, mandibles as sharp as knives and saliva pouring out from its mouth as it turn descend into glass as it fell from the creatures mouth

"That's!!!" Exclaimed Marcus with a shocked tone

"Rek'sai... The queen of the Void!" Continued Leone as he equipped his dragon gauntlet


Another sound rang from the other side of the Oasis, and they saw it!! Bigger than Rek'sai, an Elder dragon of Sands belly flopped to the ground and made a huge sand storm

"Are you kidding me?!" Said both dragon knights

And in a quick instant they all been covered in sand, never to be seen again


Hey guys sorry for a long wait... I've been busy with school, commissions, gaming and household chores...

This chapter is short but I promise the next one would exceed 1000 words, count on that!!

But right now I have to bid thee adiu

See you next time

The Duelist of Valor: The Ascension of ShurimaWhere stories live. Discover now