Chapter 3: The Calm Before The Storm

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~~ 3rd person POV ~

And here we see, the shifting sands of the Deserts of Shurima, peaceful and serene

But the peace was disturbed by a roar and a puff of smoke and sand, and within that smoke are the Knights equipped with there full scale mail

"For goodness sake" exclaimed Marcus within his scale mail, "What the heck was that!!!"

"Don't panic" Leone said as he free the others from the sands, "that was a Dahren Mohran, an Elder dragon within the desert seas"

The girls are now gasping for air, as the boys dispelled their own scale mails and helped both the girls and Temaias

"Dessert Seas?!" Katarina asked in a raised tone, "there is NO Dessert Seas within Runetera"

"Its From another world" said the blue knight, "How I know? It's kind of a Long story, I Do not even know how to explain it"

"Everyone" Lux calls out, "We need to camp for the night, the sun is almost down"

"We need to find an oasis and hunker down" Marcus said

"Easier said than done" said Leone, "but we must get our stuff in order first"

"Not happening, the camel's died within the sand storm" Katarina said within gasps

"Oh no.... What are we going to do?" Asked Lux

"Don't panic" said the blue knight, "from the looks of it, there is an oasis near by, then we'll think of a plan next"

"hopefully...." exclaimed Katarina, "it's not a mirage"

Lux then looks at Katarina with a glare filled with killing intent

"don't you dare jinx it!!" followed through the magic weilder

"well......." Leone called out as he threw a rock to the oasis and the rock sunk to the water

"looks like, luck is on our side again...." Marcus said with a wry smile

Making the rest of the party groan


A while later, after setting up camp, Marcus is sitting near the fire as he looks at it. Leone then moves out from a tent not to far from the fire

"Looks like we lost most of our stuff...." Leone said, "the gals are asleep how's the inventory?"

"Gone...." Marcus responded, "except for the supplies we have on us.... We won't last a few days to get to the rendezvous"

"We have to get supplies...." Leone said with a frown, "we will have to do a few detours and buy some in the next town a few kilometers over.... Although it would take a day and a half just to get there"

"We also can't go full bono" Marcus said as he feeds the fire with a few twigs, "we don't have the transportation to do so"

"Looks like we have to either use our powers or just go back to Demacia...." Says the gamer and he groans, "or we could leg it at the first light of dawn.... Either way it won't be pretty"

"Hopefully by first light, we see a traveling caravan" says Marcus, "we could travel with them then"

"If they let us travel with them......" Leone then gave off a deep sigh, "I'll take be taking the first watch"

"Sounds good...." Marcus says as he lays down flat on the ground and instantly falls asleep

"I still don't know how you do that...." Leone says as he then scowls over the distance, as he sees a multitude of purple glows, "Shurima..... The dessert of Runeterra, it's also a home to the void..... Hopefully they won't bother us... But that's just hopeful thinking "


The girls had now got out and took down the tent, prepped Tamaias for travel, both knights then helped the girls to ride

"Ride due south east" Leone said as he advised the duelist, "we'll follow when we can, and also here"

He gave Fiora a signet ring and a scroll

"Get yourself to safety!"

"But what of you?! And what of Marcus?!" Fiora said with a voice of worry

"Don't worry" Marcus said as he puts on parts of his armor, "we'll keep em busy, and try to stall for time"

"I will not abandon my comrades" The Duelist said in an angry tone

Marcus now in his armor, pulled Fiora down to him and kissed her, she then kissed back, once the kiss is done she sat back and was silenced

"You are not abandoning us" Marcus said, "you are protecting the delegates, from the void, we will follow once we finish fighting, so go"

"Promise me my love" Fiora finally said, "promise me that you will survive!"

"I promise" Marcus said with a hand on his heart

"We don't have much time, now go!" Leone said now with his armor on and slapped the back leg of Temaias

With that command, the drake bolted at top speed at the given direction

Both knights unsheathed both of their swords

"I bet I can kill more of those void spawn" Marcus said with a smirk

"Bet!!" Leone said with a huge smile, "now we have our new objective"

"And what's that?!"

"Objective: SURVIVE!!!!!"

Both of them charged towards the horde with their weapons a blazing

~~ to be continued ~~

(Author's note: sorry for not posting in years.... I was in college and it fried my brain... Anyways I'll see you guys soon)

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 22 ⏰

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