Chapter 1

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Karma POV
I was running around with my sister Sang and my other sister Marie we were playing in the forest behind our house. "Tag your it" I say as I tag Marie. I must have been a little rough because she fell down and started to cry. "What the hell happen" Mom says. "She pushed me down and her and sang laughed at me " I couldn't believe she would lie like that but Mom always believes her and grabbed both my arm and sang's as she dragged us in the house. She let's go of us in the kitchen and pour rice on the ground in front of us. " kneel" Mom says and she looks like she hates us right now so we both kneeled on the rice while she said to wait till she says we can go to our room.

I woke up sweating because of the memory of when the abuse started. I looked up at sang on the twin bed that barely a bed. See our room used to be filled with stuff but after moving 4 times and are about to move again today we lost most of it. I checked the time and saw it was 4:30 am so I have about a hour and a half to calm myself down and pack everything but a set of clothes for sang. I get up very sore from mothers punishment yesterday. I been taking sang's punishments for years now. I just wish I could save her when I am stuck our disgusting father. But it's better she deals with the small punishment from mother and not the sexual abuse from father. See I am still a virgin but he loves to feel me up and have me doing things that shouldn't be done to there father. Luckily for me he's gone most of the time. I sit beside sang and brush her hair behind her ear and smile sadly I wish I could be this innocent. But someone has to pay for lunches at school and clothes so we can actually look normal. She start to stir awake.
"Sang let's pack up our stuff every thing else will be coming with us tomorrow remember we get to move early again." I say.
"Ok I am up did you choose some clothes for me" she says.
I laugh quietly " of course I did who else would do that" I says
She smiles and gets up to get dressed. She then helps me put the clothes in her bag and my clothes in my bag and then she grabbed the last bag and put her diary, 3 books and my diary / sketchbook in it. She then puts my art stuff in it. See we can't read each other's diaries because while she writes English word just with Korean letters and I right in both Greek and Russian. When we got done it was 5:50 am meaning we had 10 minutes before we get called up stairs by father so he will drive us 2 to the new house this time we get a upstairs room on the opposite side of the room of Marie, mother and fathers rooms are. We are excited because that means we can sneak out more and it's makes it easier that me and sang can talk telepathic to each other. So usually when she sneaks out to the forest I stay hear just in case. I don't usually sneak out because I don't want sang to have a punishment while I was gone. I learned my mistake once and that was the last time I left her in the house alone.
" Sang and Karma it's time to go" father calls from upstairs see our room in this house was the basement. We grab our things and walk out to the car I opened the back of the car for Sang and get into the front seat. Sang might be innocent but see knows that father touches me inappropriately. The only reason it is just me because I made a deal with father that if I do everything willing he won't take my virginity and won't touch Sang. He agreed because he loves easy toys or what he likes to call me his favorite doll. That all I really am anymore anyways a broken doll. Sang is the only one that see any emotions from me because most of the time I keep my emotions off my face. We're Sang is different see shows it on her face it's to easy to tell. The drive took about 5 hours to get to but once we get there we get 4 days without punishments and father goes to work at his new job. The whole drive through I tried to ignore his hand on my thigh.

A/N hey people this is a first for me also I am a dyslexic

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