trust! ☜☆☞😂😒

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lisa pov :

my leg was still hurting...

i Opened my eyes!
i saw jungkook was driving!....

i was lying on car's backseat!..

he saw me from front mirror in the car!.

he said "hey! can you hear me!...
please hold on! okay! we are almost at the hospital!...just don't close your eyes!...look at me!".

and then again everything went black!..

all i could do was hear him!...
i can't see him!...i don't why my eye lids were so heavy! that i was always closing my eyes!.....

and he felt that i was unconscious well i was kinda! but i could feel him near me! i could hear him..

i felt like suddenly someone picked me! up! it was like I'm flying ...
am i?

i used my all energy to open my mouth! and say "am i flying?".

"ohh! god! no! baby you are in my hands... don't worry you won't fall! ".
it's him!...
jungkook why are you behaving like you love me! you care for me! when you actually played me! you never loved me!...
you spoiled my perfect life which i thought to share with you!...


i suddenly felt a soft cloud like thing under me!...

and now i can't hear anything again!...
and I'm sleeping maybe!....well because it's all dark!..

jungkook pov :

doctor came....

and they opened Lisa's white plasters around her leg!...

and when doctor opened it he sigh!
and said looking at me!

"mr. jungkook didn't i told you not to let her walk!... she already got her bone cracked and now it had became a fracture in her bone!...did she walk! ...or run! or did she used stairs!".

i said "doctor maybe she did all of them! because as far as i know her room is upstairs so to come to the university she needs to take stairs! and she walked in campus! and ran! because of competition!".

lisa you really did that just to sing and WTF!...i told you take rest! she never listens me!..

doctor "well now i know we need to do our business with her leg! and that almighty fractured bone! so if you will please excuse us! and please do call her family!".

and then i went out of the room!...

i need to call her sisters! the kims!...
i reallyhate them after i knew them!  but i can't handle them alone I'm calling my hyungs first!..


me : hello! jimin hyung! please can you come in the mayooron! hospital! and please bring all the hyungs! because lisa is in the hospital! and i need to call her sisters ! and i can't face them alone!...

jimin : ohh! okay! kookie! don't call her sisters they are already here with us! we are coming .

your call was ended.

WTF ....Lisa's sisters are with my brothers....?

jennie pov :

"unnie I'm tried! we did a lot of! grocery .....". i said to jisso unnie!.

we entered our house! tried!.

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