Like a Boss

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There's only some things that Eliza knew for certain was that she would always have

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There's only some things that Eliza knew for certain was that she would always have. One was Lara. They were always each others rocks, when one went spiralling, the other came spiralling to save her. The second was tennis. The girl was bound to be playing Wimbledon some day. No doubt about her skill was strong enough for her to stop focusing on the goal she set for herself when she was six. The third was the fact that she didn't know what she was doing playing football. The fourth was her parent's love and support.


When Mary and Stuart Gilroy noticed Eliza's skill for tennis at the tender age of four, they took her straight out of school, allowing Mary to homeschool her until she needed a tutor. She did four hours of work a day, the rest focusing on her tennis. Her schuedule was filled to the brim with tennis practice, physio sessions to make sure her body was in check. Even in her down time she had to be doing something. 

She had a strict nutritionist, the girl having never even tried ice cream. 

Talk about time consuming!

And she knew. She knew for a fact that if her parents found out about her playing soccer, it would be over for her. She wouldn't be able to go out without a chaperone again. 

"Don't tell your mum about me playing soccer, alright?" She asked Lara as the two hung out at Marnie's house, "She's awful at keeping secrets and if she knows, my parents will find out."

Lara gasped, "You're keeping this from your parents? You never do anything like that!" The ginger looked up from where she was painting Eliza's nails, "Where do they think you are?"

"With you..." Eliza mentioned, "But it's not like it's not true! I do come visit you, then Marnie and I walk to practice, then I come back and hang out with you more, so it's not a lie!" Eliza had to defend her actions, knowing in her head that it was wrong to lie to her parents but in her heart, she wanted something that wasn't tennis related in her life.

Even Andy Murray needed a break sometimes.

"It's not like I'm going around shooting people."

"Just your parents in the heart when they find out. Done!" Lara finished the last finger on Eliza's dainty hands, "Please don't chip them. This is my expensive nail polish." 

Eliza's mouth was wide open at the comment Lara made before switching the conversation, "Lars! What the hell!"



"The first rule of soccer club..." Danny, the new coach started his lecture.

"Don't talk about soccer club..." Eliza whispered under her breath. Marnie let out a sound, that was supposed to be like a chuckle but it was just air leaving her nose in acknowledgement.

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