Can't even...

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@larababy ooooooh, mama 😍

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@larababy ooooooh, mama 😍

@harriswest cute


Training was tiring Eliza out. The hours she ran were insane and she was surprised she wasn't run down by it all. However, compared to tennis, she actually enjoyed a team sport practice. Tennis could be lonely when you're playing against a machine.

"Girls, do you know why tiny hands, can steal your big sandwich?"

Eliza rose her hand in the air, "Um, I don't eat bread."

Danny ignored the girls useless comment, "Because they work as a team." Everyone was usually confused by Danny's obscure sayings and that one wasn't an exception as the team had no idea what the man was talking about, "No room for hands to do fancy footwork, salsa stuff. Same with football."

"Did he just tell us how to rob people? Because if Neal Caffrey has taught me anything, it's that it's the thumb that gives it away." Eliza laughed along with Willow.

The other girl turned to Eliza, "You watch way too much tv for a girl who is supposed to be studying."

Eliza pointed at her, kicking the ball in the process, "You're probably right, but then again, I can speak three languages fluently, it's just math I get stuck on."

Marnie made her way over, "Three languages? That's insane!"

"Yep, French, Spanish and Russian. Oh, and if you count English too!" Eliza was an engima. Although she seemed like a classic ditz, the team was constantly shocked by the information that came out the girls mouth. 

She could break into places (she never told them about the failure the other week). She could speak four languages. They all knew she moved like an angel, elegance pouring out her body.

Eliza's a spy. I've decided! No one could be that talented and beautiful!

"Girls, wait up!" Liv called over, running in late to practice.

"And this is why our post game pizza fund got cut in half!" Eliza heard Tom joke as Liv made her way to the group.

Making eye contact with Harris, he noticed that she was about to run at the lad, so he stepped in, Gabe stating, "Hey, Liv's cool."

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