Chapter 8: Here Comes Trouble

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"What do you mean I was seizing?"
" You were just there shaking so, we called a nurse in and managed to stop your seizure but left right after you stopped." Haley said, her warm voice hitting me with sudden happiness. We sat there, nothing was being said. Suddenly everything went black...

Once I'd pulled away from the darkness, I was in another hospital. I could tell this because there wasn't the clean white walls enclosing me, but a pale purple instead. Once I'd focus on my surroundings, I immediately sat up but restricted by restraints.

I tried to rip them off but I was weak so I couldn't. But then I realised that, I didn't have Elisha by my bedside to keep me calm when I need her to do so. 1 hour, 2 hours, 3 hours go by, no one came in or out of my room to see how I was. I must've been forgotten. I was left here with restraints on my wrists and no social interaction.

I must've gone to sleep because I opened my eyes, to find Lieutenant Maxwell, my mum and Elisha all by my side. I was hit with a sense of relief when I saw my family by my side. But then I had a sudden sense of doubt in my mind. When I paid more attention to everyone, they were all crying.

" Hello?" I said, as I felt panic overcome my voice, " Can you hear me?"
No one answered they just stared at me as if I were dead. I moved my hand over to Elisha as she was shocked and called a nurse, saying something about getting my breathing tube out. I was washed with fear at this point and gripped Elisha's hand.

Eventually, a nurse came in and took my tube out. It was so uncomfortable but, I was glad when it was over with. We all sat there, saying nothing. I kept having visions of Hazel and Billy, wishing I could talk to them.

It was about a week later when, I was let out of the hospital. I was told that I had to be on bed rest and that I couldn't do much for at least 2 weeks. I was flushed with thoughts. I couldn't stay in bed for 2 weeks! It was impossible!

I was fatigued so I fell asleep instantly and was finally was able to speak to Billy Weena and Hazel Bucket. But when I did speek to them, they had hatered towards me, as if I had offended them.

I was puzzled by their strange behaviour so I asked what was going on. They replied with such negative energy, that I couldn't help but stare at them in confusion.

" What is wrong with you!" Hazel exclaimed, attitude within in her voice, "you left us to rot in this darkness for so long all because you were ashamed  of who you were!"
I sat there, unable to speak, my own sister was hurt by something I didn't realise I was doing.
" Hazel, Billy, you know I wouldn't want to hurt you but, I've moved on and you've only been there when I was having breakdowns so you telling me that I'm being hurtful, is just hypercrisy."

We all stand there in the dark world, with nothing to say. Eventually, I found some words.
" Look, I don't know what else you would like me to say but, I'm about to get woken up so I need to go."

I said goodbye and then I was able to see the light. Family, friends and doctors all around my bedside, staring at me. The specialist whispered something I just about caught. He said,
" She has a lot of trouble walking her way because."
There was a long pause. Then he said
"She may have a brain tumor..."

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