Chapter 2

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"Mummy, Mummy, Mummy!" Lucinda and Ruby beam as they dance around Nikki's feet as she sorts her two-year-old son out who has worn half his breakfast. "Mummy, please can we go play in the snow!" Ruby smiles following Nikki through to the lounge where Charlotte is sat playing on the iPad. 

"Will you ever put that down Charlotte... look out the window it has been snowing..." Nikki huffs taking the iPad odd her and placing it on the bookcase. 
"Mum! that's not fair!" Charlotte frowns and folds her arms. 

"Don't start young lady... I've already revoked your weekend privileges after what you did to Ruby" Nikki replies causing her eldest daughter to huff dramatically. 

She sits down on the sofa and sits Noah on her lap, Lucinda walks over to Nikki and stands at her feet, "Please Mummy, I want to go play in the snow!" Lucinda pleads. 

"Okay but you must wrap up warm, take Ruby with you... Oh Charlotte you can go with them too" Nikki replies and Charlotte stands up and rolls her eyes before getting her coat from the hallway and slipping into a pair of wellies. 

Jack comes through from the kitchen with a piece of toast in his hand and looks down at his wife who is currently wrestling with their two-year-old who is refusing to have his face wiped. 
Jack smirks and sits down on the sofa opposite Nikki, "Having fun there?" he smirks. 

Nikki then puts Noah down on the floor and sighs, "That child... is the spawn of Satan" Nikki huffs. 

Jack scoops Noah up and then grabs a wipe and wipes his face clean, "Ahh Daddy no!" Noah squeals and Jack allows his son to get down, 

Nikki laughs as she watches her youngest walk over to his toys and begins to play, Jack walks over to Nikki and sits on the sofa with her. "Peace at last" Jack smiles. 
"it's only 10 am... had enough of them already?" Nikki smirks. 

"This is what happens when you give me a bunch of girls... seriously four attempts to give me a boy" Jack smirks and kisses his wife's cheek.

"Hey! may I point out both Lucinda and Noah weren't even planned. So you can't complain..." Nikki smiles as she rests her head against his shoulder. 

He smiles and kisses Nikki's head, "Best mistakes ever!" He smirks. 
"Hmm, do you think this house is a little small now?" Nikki asks looking up at Jack. 

"it's big enough right? I mean Lucy and Ruby share a room, Charlotte has her own room now and Noah... well I kindly gave up my office for him... I don't think we need more rooms unless we ever have any more children, I don't think that will happen" Jack smiles. 

"I think we need more room" Nikki speaks.
"I don't get you some times" He replies. Nikki smirks and looks at him again with love in her eyes, she grabs his hand and rests it on her stomach. 
"Get me now?" She questions, Jack's eyes flick down at her stomach and then back to her eyes. 

"No! Seriously... since when?" Jack says a smile threatening to break his serious look. 

"I took a test yesterday... possibly a month and a half" Nikki smiles cheerfully. 
"I can't believe this, another baby to the Hodgson football team" Jack smiles and kisses his wife passionately. 

"Eee Mummy and Daddy are kissing, eww!" A voice screams, Nikki opens her eyes to see Ruby standing in the doorway, Nikki giggles and kisses Jack again. 
Ruby runs off and Nikki just continues to cuddle and kiss Jack, "Hmm I could get used to this" Jack mumbles. 

Suddenly they hear a scream followed by the three girls arguing, "That is my queue!" Nikki smiles and stands up leaving Jack. 

She walks through to the kitchen and looks at the three girls arguing, "What is going on in here?" Nikki says in a calm tone but none of the girls listen to her, she takes a deep breath and then raises her tone, "Girls!" She shouts. 

The three girls jump and stop dead looking at their Mum, "What the hell is going on!" Nikki says in a raised tone. 
"Mummy she started it!" Ruby says innocently.
"Don't be silly Ruby you started it!" Lucinda shouts at her. 
"Yeah, Ruby you started it... pulling my hair" Charlotte shouts as she gets her own back and pulls Ruby's hair. 

Ruby lets out an ear piercing scream and then kicks Charlotte, who instantly retaliates. "Both of you stop it!" Nikki shouts stepping in and separating the 5 and 10-year-old. 

"All of you stop it now, Or I will revoke all your privileges for the foreseeable future!" Jack shouts as he walks into the room, all three girls look at their Dad and nod before leaving the room and heading out into the garden. 

"How?" Nikki says knowing the girls listen to their Dad more than their Mum, Jack just smirks and cuddles her from behind, rubbing him thumb across her stomach. 

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