Chapter 3

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"Daddy... Come on!" Ruby squeals as she hangs off her Dad's hang trying to get him to come and play outside in the snow. Ruby's cheeks are bright red from the cold outside and her gloves are wet through which isn't impressing Jack. 

"Yeah come on Daddy!" Lucinda giggles pulling at his other arm, her hands cold to the touch from the amount of snow she had been throwing around. 

"Hmm, I don't know? what do you think Mummy should I go and play in the snow or should I watch the football?" Jack smirks looking across at Nikki who is looking through the freezer for something to feed their four children later. 

"Please Mummy, tell him to come to play!" Lucinda begs to look across at her Mum pulling a sad face. 

Nikki chuckles to herself and watches Lucinda impatiently prance around the kitchen. "I'm not sure, it is terribly cold out there!" Nikki laughs knowing too well she is winding up her daughters. 

Ruby sighs and frowns, "No Fair!" Ruby shouts. 
"Excuse me Ruby Hodgson... indoor voices!" Jack says reminding his overly hyper five-year-old daughter. 

Lucinda looks up at her Mum and sighs, "Please Mummy, we shall be good... I will never ask for anything ever again!" Lucinda says trying to reason with her Mother who never did actually fall for Lucinda's sweet talking ever. 

"Ask your Dad, not me" Nikki smiles and both girls turn back to Jack and smile cheesily at him. 

Nikki laughs as she watches two of her daughters beg Jack to come and play outside, "Fine, fine... Let me put a coat on" Jack smiles and both girls cheer excitedly and run outside in search of Charlotte to tell her that their Dad will play. 

Jack comes back into the kitchen in a coat, wellington boots, and gloves before heading out into the garden. "Don't let them get too cold" Nikki smiles lovingly as she watches Jack walk into the garden and then suddenly all the girls running at him with snowballs and they throw them at him. 

Nikki stands in the kitchen window and watches her girls and Jack run around the garden throwing snowballs at each other, she couldn't believe she had a family, even before she had children she thought it would never happen.
Charlotte their first born was an unexpected surprise for them, after months and months of trying they had given up and had decided to get married first, it was a small intimate event and around 24 hours after tying the knot they found out they were expecting their first bundle of joy. Nikki had a rough pregnancy which was cut short when she was seven and a half months pregnant when she went into premature labour, within three hours Nikki had given birth to a small yet healthy baby girl on the 6th December - Charlotte Hodgson, 3lbs 4oz. 

Lucinda the second born, another unexpected surprise. The pair never planned to have another child but Lucinda came along after a work's Christmas party and one to many glasses of wine. Again Nikki had a rough pregnancy with terrible morning sickness that lastest well until 6 months. Nikki gave birth to a daughter at full term on 18th July - Lucinda Hodgson, 6lbs 7oz.

 Ruby, the third and planned child. Ruby was originally meant to be Reuben when their 20 weeks scan told them that they were expecting a boy. And finally, a plain sailing pregnancy that saw her through to almost 40 weeks pregnant and overdue by a couple of days, the stubborn baby and Nikki had to be induced into labour with a risk to the baby's health. On the 28th February, baby Ruby was brought into the world, Ruby Hodgson, 6lbs 3oz. 

Noah, the surprise to the Hodgson clan, Nikki had no idea she was pregnant until she was 22 weeks pregnant and a routine check-up at the doctors ended up in a very sudden change in plans. Finally a boy for Jack who is his pride and joy. Nikki had a Cesarean section and baby Noah was brought into the world on the 11th October - Noah Hodgson, 7lbs 10oz. 

Nikki continues to stand in the window of the kitchen daydreaming watching her children play with their Dad, she feels someone tugging at her top and looks down at Noah, she smiles and lifts him up and rests him against her hip. "Mummy, I go to play!" Noah smiles cheekily. 

Nikki smiles and kisses Noah's cheek before getting his coat on him and wellingtons before allowing Noah out into the garden, Noah runs off in the direction of Jack and squeals at him before picking up the snow and inspecting it. Nikki smiles and gets her phone out and from the kitchen door, she takes some photos of her children. 

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