Day Forty-Seven

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Day Forty-Seven.

Verses: "'I put no trust in my bow, my sword does not bring me victory; but you give us victory over our enemies, you put our adversaries to shame. In God we make our boast all day long, and we will praise your name forever.'"
Psalm 44:6-8

I love the verses above because it talks about when though they were fighting a battle with a sword, it was not the sword's strength that gave them the victory: it was God.

I was reading a quote the other day that said: "Sometimes God puts you into a battle empty handed so when you do get the victory, you know it was God and not yourself."

When my book: "Jesus Saves Daily Devotions" was first accepted to being published, I got a big head by it. I was so proud of myself and how I wrote the book. God had to have a come to Jesus with me because it wasn't me who wrote the book to begin with, it was God. God gave me those words to write. It was God, not myself.

Let me repeat that: it was God, not myself.

I believe in the day and age we are living in, we can all get a big head. We can easily get caught up in believing we got the victory for ourselves, and by ourselves. When that's not what happens at all, God gives us the victory. God give us the strength to fight that battle and win. The sword didn't win the battle, we didn't win the battle: God did. Without God, we would have no victory.

Without God, we would have no victory.

But thankfully, we do have God. So we do get the victory! But you, didn't do it by yourself. You can't take all the credit. It was GOD who gave you that victory. It is GOD who you need to praise and thank for your victory. It was not YOU! Sure, you did have a part in it, but God is the reason why you had the victory.

It was God, not you.

I think it's sad that we live in a day and age where God is not getting any praise and thanks. I believe that we can change that. We can change that for praising and thanking God for every victory we have. We can praise and thank God for always loving us, being there for us, and for helping us. God is so good and I believe we need to remember that.

God is good even when life isn't.

The weather changes, people change, but God is never changing. He stays the same. In all times, God is good. (Romans 12:2)

Let's be thankful and grateful for God! Let's praise God for every victory we have!


Dear God,

I just want to thank you for every victory I have. I know it was not me who won the battle but it was you. I thank you Lord! I praise you Lord because you are so good even when life isn't. I pray that you grab my hand and stay close by my side. I can't do life without you Lord. I need you. I love you. I thank you!

In Jesus's name, I pray, Amen!


Hey beautiful❤️ I hope you enjoyed this! Thank you so much for reading! I love you❤️

-xoxo Caty❤️

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