History vs Myth

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"As everyone knows, Greek and Roman gods have been revealed recently, and with that comes the history of how they came to be.
There are many stories of them, with each one being slightly different.
 In this unit, we will be going over which stories are true, and what has recently been happening in that world"

At that Paul looked right at Percy and smiled, a knowing look in his eyes before continuing

Andrew sneaked a glance at Percy's face,
"Hey Perce, you okay? You're getting really red" asked Andrew with a worried look on his face

Percy gave Andrew a sad smile and replied
"He's going to talk about why I was gone for most of the year"



They both tune back into what Paul is saying

"-And that is why we're going to do a couple exercises so I can get a grasp of what you all know"

Andrew walks up to the front and grabs two work sheets for Percy and himself.

Walking back he reads it over and notices that most of the questions are just asking what students know of Greek mythology/History and what concepts they need a better understanding of.

"Hey Percy"

Without looking away from his work page, Percy answers in a distracted tone "Yeah?"

"Can I copy your work?"

Percy laughs and finally looks over at Andrew.
"Never thought I'd hear that. Annabeth would have a field day"

Andrew looks at Percy curiously, "Who's Annabeth?" Percy's face turns fond and he replies
"Someone I met at camp. Child of Athena"

Andrew studies Percy's face and feels something akin to jealously stir in his gut.

'Stop it, they're probably just friends'
Andrew shakes the thoughts out of his head and turns back to his work

Hey guys! Sorry this took forever. Also, please comment and let me know what your opinions are! I feed off of comments for inspiration and it would mean a lot. Also, I don't have a beta and would appreciate if you let me know if you see any grammar mistakes.

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