New Friends?

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Dream groaned a little as he stirred, his eye lights activating as he pushed himself up - realizing that he was sitting on a couch as he stared at the unfamiliar room he was sitting in. The positive spirit felt... He felt much stronger than he had since... Since Nightmare had consumed the apples and killed most of the villagers in an attempt to protect the both of them from their lethal intentions. He sensed a couple of people in the room off of the main one on the first floor of this place. He could see the checkered floor and slowly got up to his feet, startled by how much positivity he could feel in the area around him. It wasn't all sunshine and rainbows, but... The beings that he could sense around him had a great deal more Hope in their auras than he had gotten used to sensing. Dream silently made his way over to the other room, noting that it was a kitchen.

The Sans was in the middle of making something - swiftly chopping up an onion as he continued to speak, "-and I know that our visitor is a little strange, but I'd like to talk to them before we pull any of the others here. We don't want to overwhelm them - you know what Ink can be like."

"That's true." A tall, sweater-clad Papyrus acknowledged, before countering, "But how many people can you name who can open portals between universes? And they had some of Nightmare's goop on their cape, and his magic all over them."

Both of the mortal skeleton's emotive auras were filled with concern, worry and uncertainty. Dream was unsure whether or not he should speak up and reveal himself to be awake... Or just slowly slink out of their house and go home. He shuddered a little as he remembered the awful thunderstorm that still might be rocking the castle, thoroughly embarrassed by his reaction... But... He'd always been afraid of thunder - and how awful his last memory with a thunderstorm had been, Dream really didn't want to go back until the storm had passed. He hoped that Nightmare would understand. The positive spirit walked back to the couch, deciding that he should probably call out - let them believe that he hadn't overheard their conversation. Dream was concerned that he might have found some of his other half's enemies... Then again, most people who spoke of Nightmare were rather terrified of him, unfortunately. He cleared his nonexistent throat and called out, "Uhm... He-Hello? Is someone here? Where... Where am I?" Those were all legitimate questions he had.

The Sans immediately teleported over, his eye lights bright, cheerful stars as he exclaimed exuberantly, offering the other one of his hands, "Hello! I am the Magnificent Sans, although other travelers have called me Blue or Blueberry - call me whatever you like. I also use he/him pronouns. What about you, friend?" He was beaming brightly, and the other's aura was filled with curiosity and a bit of concern.

"It's wonderful to meet you, Sans the magnificent." Dream greeted with a small smile as he shook one of the other's hands firmly "My name is Dream, guardian of positivity. I use male pronouns as well."

Blue blinked at him once, the curiosity in the other's aura increasing. "What do you mean by guardian of positivity? You looked like you were moving in a really big hurry before you face planted in the snow. Oh! And you're in my and my brother's home, in Snowdin."

The positive spirit had been told what the history of the alternate worlds that Nightmare had visited were - and many of them followed several core themes - the humans and monsters had a war that the monsters lost, who were then trapped by a powerful magical soul that required the magical equivalent of seven human mages' souls to unseal, which was too much for said monsters to overcome themselves. Which is why he didn't pester the other with questions about what exactly he meant by Snowdin. It was unfortunate that either the final human to fall underground had yet to come... Or that they were toying with their time-travelling powers, finding it to be a game of sorts to learn about the monsters through doing varying different actions. He hoped it wasn't the latter...

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