On The Run

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He'd managed to evade all of the sentries - getting a feel for when the next one - or pair - would show up. He jogged and teleported as quickly as he could (as he was unfamiliar with the area, he could only teleport as far as his line of sight guided him), and froze as he spotted a final sentry station, but he didn't sense anyone immediately around him. Dream teleported to the other end of the clearing and ran through the far-too wide apart gate, and skidding to a halt as he saw Stretch, Blue and Hatchet fighting.

"Why are you here?" Stretch hissed, one of his eyes glowing a bright orange, sending a wave of bones after Hatchet, who dodge with a quick flash of teleportation.

Blue summoned several odd-looking skulls, who started to charge with a light blue magic that would probably be incredibly destructive. "Leave this timeline! You are alone without allies, I suggest that you go."

Hatchet summoned the same number of strange skulls, their energy clashing together and cancelling it out, sending bones after both of them. "I ain't here to cause trouble! Just leave me the fuck alone and I won't mess with either of you or anyone in this timeline."

"So what, are you here for spider ciders and donuts from Muffet's?" Stretch asked sarcastically, glowering more at the other.

Dream yelled as loudly as he could. "WAIT! STOP!" All three of them froze, turning to stare at him as he sprinted towards them, too many bones and offensive magic in the area immediately surrounding the three of them for him to teleport in.

As he was unused to running around in snow, he misjudged how much it would take for him to stop moving, and nearly fell face first into all three of theirs' bone attacks. But a surprisingly solid pair of arms grabbed him around the waist and teleported him a short, but safe distance backwards, an unknown voice calling out from directly behind him, laughing merrily, "Pff-hahaha! Careful there, friend. That could have been a pretty dicey situation."

Dream blinked and looked up at the person holding him as Hatchet cursed violently behind him. They were wearing a long brown scarf. One of their eye lights were a blue circle, the other was a golden star with a smaller blue circle inside of it. "I... Uhm... Hello? Who... Who are you?"

Their eye lights turned into exclamation marks - one orange, the other green. "Oh! I'm Ink. It's wonderful to meet you... At first I thought you might be a different Swap Sans... But no... You're someone entirely new. Who... Who are you and where are you from?"

"Don't answer that!" Hatchet snarled, his singular eye light glowing brightly. The other sent a couple of bones in their direction.

Ink, who was still holding him, easily dodged, laughing merrily and answered cheerfully "That was rude Hatchet- that is what you've been named by the others at least. This mysterious stranger is safe with us. Three on one, those aren't good odds."

Dream was thinking as quickly as he could. He was in a very vulnerable position at the moment, but none of them were aware that he wasn't neutral in their fight with his beloved mate. "I... Among other things, I am a healer... May I please check the three of you and heal any injuries you have? One of you is already very badly injured - given the crack in Hatchet's skull..."

"Neither of us got a scratch. And that bastard's better at dodging than that crack looks... Although I'm guessing that you knew that already, given that he clearly recognizes you." Stretch called out, frowning a little as he glared a little at him "... You have an LV of one, so you're obviously not a fighter... I'm not sure I entirely believe you when you say that-"

Dream sighs, and he causes both of his hands to glow bright green. He sends an attack at the other - more or less a condensed ball of healing energy at Stretch. It moves too quickly for the Papyrus to dodge and has no negative effect on him whatsoever. What it does do is top up the other's MP. "See? Healer." He wiggles his fingers and giggled a little at the startled expression on Stretch's face.

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⏰ Last updated: May 30, 2019 ⏰

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